The Sage of Einar

Chapter 247 - Inauguration Of The First Factory And The First Display Of The Flag

In front of a simple but imposing building that had a metal pole on its roof, Einar was standing on a wooden platform. Behind him were almost his entire family, Seren, Ibssen, and Gerd.

Also standing to the sides were the artisans who participated as well as the artisan slaves.

In front of them was the majority of the tribe, including the slaves. They were all curious to know that it was that building that had a large chimney and that it was somewhat far from the tribe.

"Today I have gathered all of you because I want to show you the inauguration of our first factory, an emblematic building, because it will be the first of many that we will build.

Inside is the highest technology of our tribe, a tool that Thor himself uses in Valhalla.

In the factory we will build a construction material that will revolutionize our life, with it we will be able to create a protection zone so that the cattle can live without problems.

Since it will not be able to escape from the designated area for any reason and it will function as protection to prevent a white bear from trying to harm the cattle.

But also its function will be to protect our tribe as it will be placed around the moats of the walls and in parts of the coast where the defensive towers are located. "

Turning his head, he signaled for a cow and even a slave who had been found trying to rape a little girl to be brought onto the stage.

The slave, who had been a recognized rapist of his little kingdom, was released to fight against Vilhelm\'s attack on his kingdom.

After this, he was enslaved and ended up among the slaves sold by Vilhelm. Unfortunately for him, it did not count that all the boys and girls of the tribes were secretly protected by some warriors.

Those who were always vigilant in places where there were slaves with children, so when they heard a scream they were able to find the person in charge who was caught before he could do anything.

As Einar had promised, any kind of harm to any child would be paid for with death.

When the slave and the cow were on the platform, Einar pointed to the cow and the slave.

"For the demonstration of the creation that we made, I will use this cow, which is too aggressive with all its keepers.

Whereas this rapist will be punished to death, but I will grant him freedom if he can escape after he is tied up with barbed wire. "

They all glared at the slave in front of them, but the tribesmen and slaves who had seen Einar when he changed.

They knew that the herald would never free the slave so he would suffer a fate worse than death, just like that Viking who was skinned alive.

The slave, who was quite sure that he could escape from whatever challenge they put on him, only raised his head high as he felt proud of everything he did.

So ignoring the looks of hatred from everyone, he only watched as two warriors approached him, carrying with them a kind of metal rope.

The two guards, using metal gloves to hold the barbed wire, began to wrap it around the slave\'s entire body.

The process was not long, but when they finished one of them pushed the slave to the ground, thus causing the spikes to bury themselves all over his body.

This caused the slave to start screaming and move from side to side, causing his skin to start tearing in many places.

All who were there looked with joy at the suffering of the slave. They looked with approval at the ground that was filling with urine and blood.

Creating a filthy sludge that began to cover the slave\'s body, his screams lasted for a few minutes before he lost consciousness from the loss of blood.

Seeing that the slave fell silent, Einar pointed out, "The barbed wire is too dangerous a creation, so I hope you all can see that under no circumstances should you approach it.

It is not something you can be playing with, so I hope that everyone can inform their children about the danger of getting close.

I will also be in charge of giving lectures in the school so that they know the danger of barbed wire.

Although it is a functional tool that will protect and take care of our livestock and our coasts, it is important to know that we must be careful. "

After this, he made a signal, and two guards came to where the cow was. In their hands, they carried wooden sticks that had barbed wire.

After wrapping the barbed wire around the cow, they created a small pen so that the cow could not escape.

One of the warriors then used a stick to annoy the cow who tried to escape. But when she touched the barbs of the wire, she only gave a cry of pain.

So she stayed in the same place, just staring at the barbed wire with some fear.

Einar then pointed at her "As you can see, it doesn\'t matter if it\'s a cow or a bull, any animal that feels the quills won\'t dare to move forward.

But it\'s also likely that some more idiotic animals get caught with the barbed wire so around all designated grazing areas.

There will have to be managers whose mission will be to act as ranchers, they will have to take care of the animals to rescue them and take care of them if necessary.

We will start with the placement of the barbed wire in a week. During that time the placement of the wooden pillars will begin.

Which will hold the barbed wire. That is why today I am inaugurating our first factory in the tribe.

Let all those who work in it know that they are a pillar for all of us, because we are Nordic and the work of all represents the well-being of all. "

When he finished giving that little speech about the metal rod that was on the factory, a flag began to rise.

Later a group of children dressed in uniform began to play using flutes and drums, the music of the national anthem that Einar had composed some time ago.

But this was only the beginning because five children came out of the factory, dressed in a slightly different uniform since they all had a green linen sweater and black gloves that made them look more elegant.

Laura, who was in the middle of the formation, carried with her the flag made by Einar, and that was the symbol of the Nordic nation.

So yelling "Halt step, March!"

All the children began to march in unison while moving their hands and feet in a coordinated way. Although they were only children, it left a great sense of pride in all.

Even Ashraf, who had just joined the tribe, felt a sense of belonging that he was willing to defend.

The children kept marching until they stood in front of Einar, where they stopped.

It was then that the music of the national anthem began to play from the beginning. Placing his hand on his chest, Einar began to sing the anthem.

"Barn av islandet, loft vapnene dine.1

A bekjempe nasjonens fiender.

Matte barna vare leve i fred mens fiendene maler bakken med blodet.

Alle barn av Odin har plikt til a beskytte vart land og vare tradisjoner mot enhver fiende.

Forent som brodre vil vi smi et land uten undertrykkelse og med stovlene vare vil vi eliminere fienden."

Everyone present, regardless of whether they were slaves, warriors, children, or adults, continued to sing the hymn, doing the same as Einar while proudly looking at his flag.

"Hellig land og evig frihet.

Sammen vil vi oppna den endelige seieren, ma gudene nade vare fiender fordi var sjel vil vaere i Valhalla.

Barn av islandet, historien var er akkurat i gang, kan våre barn og barnebarn snakke om var storhet.

Alt samlet vil vi aldri bli beseiret, matte vapnene vare beskytte familiene vare.

Tiden for enhet er na, vi vile kjempe om nodvendig.

For a forsvare familiene vare mot enhver aggresjon.

Barn av islandet gudene er med oss.

Hellig land og evig frihet.

Tiden til folket vart har kommet ... "

As he finished singing the hymn, Einar raised his hand in a Roman salute and began to say the pledge of allegiance.

"Islands flagg, vart folks arv, symbol pa enhet mellom vare kulturer.1

Vi sverger til deg a alltid vaere trofaste mot maktene som konsoliderer nasjonen var og som tillater oss a ha et stabilt liv.

Vi lover a forsvare keiseren som nasjonens ledende makt og guide.

Vi sverger pa a forsvare den utovende grenen som representative av statsministeren er den som folket valgte for a ivareta folks interesse.

Vi sverger pa a forsvare den lovgivende grenen som ble valgt av provinsene for a opprette og godkjenne lover for var nasjon.

Vi sverger pa a forsvare rettsvesenet, som med sine dommere og dommere har plikt til a handheve nasjonens lover.

For du flagger Island, lover saw alltid vaere trofaste og respektere grunnloven samt verdiene som styrer nasjonen var. "

After saying the oath, everyone shouted and clapped as they watched the children turn, and Laura handed the flag to Einar.

\'Children of the land of ice, raise your weapons.

To fight the enemies of the nation.

May our children live in peace while our enemies paint the ground with their blood.

All of us children of Odin have a duty to guard our land and traditions from any enemy.

United as brothers we will forge a land free from oppression and with our boots we will eliminate the enemy.

Sacred land and eternal freedom.

Together we will achieve the final victory, may the gods have mercy on our enemies because our soul will be in Valhalla.

Children of the land of ice, our story is just beginning, may our children and grandchildren speak of our greatness.

All united we will never be defeated, may our weapons protect our families.

The time for unity is now, we will fight if necessary.

To defend our families from any aggression.

Children of the land of ice the gods are with us.

Sacred land and eternal freedom.

The time of our people has come ... \'\'Flag of Iceland, legacy of our people, symbol of unity between our cultures.

We swear to you to always be faithful to the powers that consolidate our nation and that allow us to have a stable life.

We vow to defend the emperor as the leading power and guide of our nation.

We swear to defend the executive branch who represented by the prime minister is the one chosen by the people to safeguard the interest of our people.

We swear to defend the legislative branch who was elected by the provinces for the creation and approval of laws of our nation.

We swear to defend the judiciary who with its magistrates and judges has the obligation to enforce the laws of our nation..

Before you flag of Iceland we promise to always be faithful and respect the constitution as well as the values that govern our nation.\'

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