The Golden Throne

Chapter 91 - Fight

His flame hand seemed to do considerable damage, because it scared most of the demons. The demons were powerful, but they were not invincible, and the weaker demons numbered more than the stronger ones.

Liu Feng quickly destroyed almost all the smaller ranked demons who had the power of a second or third order mage. His arrays were doing a wonderful job of taking care of the small fry. It was burning up most of the demons to a very clean crisp. It seemed that Liu Feng was just unlucky that he had met such powerful demons whenever he had to face an opponent, because these demons were not able to resist the mana attacks as much as the demon who attacked Amelia did.

But, he could see that a greater fight was in store for him. The phoenix was fighting with one of the higher ranked demons, a demon general, Liu Feng assumed, and it was not very clear who was winning. Liu Feng did not take it as a good sign, because there were many demons and only two of them. The fight above the ground was deafening to the ears. The two big shots were fighting alright, and they were letting everyone around them know of this fact.

The phoenix screeched every few minutes, while the demon roared quite loudly. As a demon general, Liu Feng noticed that he was more humanoid than any other demon that he had seen before. The demon general had a very distinct physique, with a well defined neck, and torso. He truly looked like a human, except for the fact that his skin was scaly. It was also filled with veins of sort. Not to mention, the mist around him seemed to solidify, and Liu Feng was struggling to even look at him properly.

"Don\'t look at him. That corrupted mana clouds your judgement. You should focus on the demons that you can actually possibly defeat.", Primitus reminded Liu Feng.

"Right. Focus on the job at hand.", Liu Feng reminded himself.

There were still a lot of demons. They had brought an army with them after all. All Liu Feng had was a few days of preparation. If that could stop an army, then wars would be pointless. There was a limit to how much one person could do when there were this many demons.

He started changing the arrays he used to something else. He started pushing mana to his legs, and jumped up. He was not below the airspace of the fight between the phoenix and the general, so he was safe there. Now, he threw a few magic stones down, and chanted a few words. All the demons looked at him confused. They certainly did not understand why Liu Feng jumped so high. But, then they looked down at the ground with fear. A loud sound came from the ground underneath. It was as if they were on top of hundreds of thousands of grenades. 

The ground blasted open, and the demons, who were unprepared for an attack form the ground, fell victim to this sneak attack. It wasn\'t very effective against the actual fighters, but it was quite effective against the demons who were below the fourth order. They all just got crushed by the sheer force of the blasts. It was not easy to block.

"I was hoping that I didn\'t have to use this so soon. It sure just sucks all of my mana. Why is my mana regenerating at such a slow pace though?", Liu Feng wondered.

"Wait a minute. The mana around me is getting corrupted. I can\'t take it in. My spirits are not allowing me. That must be why I am not getting any mana. This is such an unfair disadvantage!", Liu Feng realized.

Liu Feng looked at the demons who were left. There were about two hundred demons of the fourth order left, with a few among them being higher ranked. Liu Feng could see that one of the demons was sixth order. He could feel that they had more mana than the other demons. Liu Feng took out his great sword, and started swinging. It was not an easy task. Although the great sword was suitable for fighting multiple enemies on a battlefield, Liu Feng was far from being properly acquainted with it. 

As he was pushing the demons aside, and was attacking the demons who were surrounding him, Liu Feng realized one horrible fact. The attacks that he was making were not powerful enough to kill any of the demons. By swinging the sword like this, he was just prolonging the fight, and extending his life by maybe a few more minutes.

"Goddamn it. I knew that I wasn\'t properly prepared for this. I should have learnt more damage dealing techniques. All because Steve had me bedridden, I cannot do literally anything. I should have asked the teacher some life saving techniques. All I am doing is brutishly swinging the sword here and there. I should do something to change this.", Liu Feng cursed himself for his horrible luck.

Liu Feng quickly started circulating his mana and started using magic along with his physical attacks. He used the mana sparingly, but the effect was much greater. When there were so many demons, his spells hit a demon for sure, and his area damage was increasing by a lot. The crowd around him thinned, and the number of demons slowly decreased to fifty. By now, the higher rank demons realized that Liu Feng was extremely tired, but sending a few normal demons would just be a waste. So, one of the higher rank demons stepped forward, and the rest of the demons stepped back. 

Liu Feng looked at this with skepticism. Normal sense dictated that if they wanted to kill him, they would attack all at once. Why would they step back to let one person take care of him.

"He must be so confident of his abilities. If only I was in peak performance. This would not be a competition.", Liu Feng cursed again. He did not like this fight one bit. It was progressing far too quickly, and the toll it took was the quicker depletion of Liu Feng\'s strength and mana supply.

The demon who stepped in front of Liu Feng was not the average demon. He looked at least a little like a human. From Liu Feng\'s experience, that only meant bad things for him. He could see that the demon mist that was forming, was thick around him. That was a great judge of a demon\'s strength, clearly. The density of the corrupted mana around a demon.

Liu Feng was extremely careful now. The two times that he fought against demons of this caliber, he lost miserably. He did learn from his mistake, and he knew that he had to evade all the attacks. He put the great sword away and took out the spear. This was perfect for this type of one to one combat, because he had to put a distance between him and the demon.

He did have a better expertise with the spear because he practiced with the spear for a while, but he knew that he was far from perfect. 

All of the demons started backing away from the fight, as if they were looking at a ritual. Liu Feng only felt more and more rage build up inside of him. It was as if they were looking at him like livestock, just ready to be killed.

"I killed your entire army for gods sakes. Take me seriously.", he screamed inside. But this was only advantageous to him, and he didn\'t actually hate this arrangement. The only problem was that with the increase of corrupted mana in the air, Liu Feng found it harder and harder to catch a breath.

They started trading blows. The demon was using his bare fists, yet his strikes on the spear still shook Liu Feng\'s grip on it. Liu Feng was fighting with the demon when he noticed that for some reason, the mana that was coming out of the demon was more in amount. It looked like water was evaporating all around him, yet it was not. Liu Feng ignored this, and he fought like his life depended on it, probably because it did.

He made sure to not repeat the mistakes of the previous battles, and he struck the demon in multiple places, and the demon bled, in purple blood.

Finally, the demon faltered at the last step, and Liu Feng gave the finishing blow, slaying the head off the shoulders. The few demons who were watching him were all shouting, but when one of them raised his hand, all of the howling stopped. All Liu Feng could hear was sounds from the fight above him.

The demon who was clearly in charge jumped forward to Liu Feng\'s position. Liu Feng quickly retreated, and for good reason. The ground cracked where the demon had landed. Liu Feng could see that this demon was a lot more powerful than him, and could be compared to the sixth order of mages.

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