What The Luck!?

Chapter 190 - 190. Breaking Out

They could see that the people in the bush were trying to get their attention and were able to guess that it was their friends. "Jane, do you think Asher grew four more hands?" Art sounded a little worried when he was asking this, Jane wanted to smack him. 

"No...He found two more people and is here to rescue us but we need to figure out what he wants to d-" Jane was going to say more but a fake prisoner walked past them. She held her tongue until the fake prisoner had passed and started to edge closer to the forest to try and hear Asher. 

"Psssst. If you can hear me hit Art in the arm twice." Asher\'s voice reached Jane and she promptly smacked Art in the arm once, Art managed to dodge the second hit but Asher had already realized that the two could hear them.

"Dop you still have your mini flash bombs?" Asher\'s hushed voice was just barely loud enough to hear but Jane was able to reach in to her pocket and show Asher the top of the package. 

"Then start to get every camper to close their eyes and count to five after they hear the zap of electricity. Once that happens we will throw all of our mini flash bombs and scare the fake prisoners. Garnet will hopefully be blind too. Then everyone runs. We should all have a chance to get to the camp." 

"Got it. We will start." Jane moved back toward the nearest camper and started whispering. Art was doing the same. With the two passing the message on there would be a group of campers ready for their prison break.

"You think it will work on Garnet?" Louis was more worried than anyone about Garnet catching them. 

"She can\'t catch everyone. My bet is she is just here to stand guard in case she is needed. Like a supervisor." Sammy had her own theories as to why Garnet was here. It was only natural that she would be the one that would call and end this after every camper was caught or when all of them had escaped. 

"Alright, now we wait." Asher hid himself better in the bush and watched as the murmuring started to die down. The fake prisoners started to take notice of the quieter campers but brushed it off as them getting bored. They knew that they were just waiting the end out at this point. 

Garnet was the only one that showed no reaction to anything. Asher could see that she was slightly moving side to side in a rhythm. A sudden thought crossed his mind and caused his jaw to drop, "Garnet is sleeping on her feet…" 

"What? How can you tell?" Louis and Sammy were both skeptical of his theory but when they looked at her they realized that his idea was not so crazy. 

"She is actually asleep on her feet. I knew she wasn\'t some robot that could stay awake all the time." Sammy had been wondering when Garnet had the time to sleep all day. It turned out that all the time she spent at the sparring field wasn\'t just helping campers, she was also sleeping on her feet. 

"She must have some insane muscles to remain standing like that even when she is asleep." Louis was more amazed by this than the other two thought necessary, but they didn\'t see any problem with it.

"Don\'t horses do the same thing?" Asher realized that the sleeping standing up thing was what horses did and made the other two relate Garnet top horses. 

"I will never be able to look at her the same again." The two were now stuck with the strange image in their heads.

Asher saw that most of the campers had started to stand straighter and that Art was stretching with his thumb up. "Looks like we are good to go. Louis, can you made a loud zap of lighting right now?" 

"You got it. Just move back a little because I am going to use a lot of my lighting with this one." Louis unwrapped both of his hands and held them farther apart. He had been unsuccessful in creating a steady stream of lightning between his hands or fingers. However, he could easily make a loud zap of lighting between his hands. 

Asher looked away as Louis caused their hair to stand on wend. The electricity in the air was nearly malleable until a sudden burst of light was followed by a sharp crack. It was as if a lightning bolt had somehow shown up on a clear starry night. 

The campers all covered their eyes and were counting in their heads. ASsher threw his remaining mini flash bombs in the air and so did Jane. They two were ankle to look away but the light still was visible through their eyelids. This was the desired effect but they had not expected it to be so strong. 

The shouts of the fake prisoners complaining of their eyes being blind or of their sudden shock was enough to make every single camper react. "Run!!!!!" The shouts to run grew and the stampede of campers began.

Garnet jerked awake and realized that the campers were already fleeing. She had no idea what had caused this but she knew that the bright light and sounds she heard were more than just some small shout. It was a full on plan to cause a prison break. This hadn\'t happened in years at camp and she was extremely excited.

"Finally, the training has started! Bring it on!" Her shout echoed through the entire forest. The fake prisoners that had been roaming the area took this as a call to return. The campers instead nearly stumbled and fell. This was a shout for their defeat. 

"Then try and get us!" Asher stood up and shouted back. His words made Garnet rush in his direction. Not only had the prison break gotten her blood pumping but it had also given her the chance to finally participate in the night training properly. Now the real night training was beginning.

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