Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 606 - Recovery

Chapter 606: Recovery

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

Not even one day after the news that Chaos War God Donatis was seen in the 100th level of the Chaos Abyss spread everywhere, a group of dimensional travelers hurriedly took some rooms at a hotel in the Bloody Arena, a city in the 137th level of the Chaos Abyss.

These adventurers seemed quite rich. They instantly took every single room in this three-story hotel and paid the rent for two months in advance. In the mortal plane, this would be seen as an extravagance of the rich, and maybe attract some looks of envy at most, but here in the Chaos Abyss where there were no rules or laws, this would only attract vicious villains who were intent on killing to rob money.

But, anyone who tried to enter this hotel was instantly tossed out again. When a six-armed snake demon who attempted robbery had all his arms broken and was tossed out by a red-haired warrior, nobody dared to disturb these adventurers anymore, at least for the short time being.

However, the adventuring group didn’t dare to relax their guard in the small and cramped hotel. The mages constantly cast and reinforced all sorts of magical defenses and guard spells. I guarded the front door, while Adam guarded the back door as we sent off all “curious visitors”.

Donatis was a pure warrior, so it was unlikely that he had any tracking abilities. To my knowledge, plenty of pure warriors were the type who trusted their instincts more than anything. For these warriors, they would either have ridiculously good instincts for tracking, or they wouldn’t be able to tell north from south on a map. Considering how it took so long for Donatis to catch up to the adventuring team, I felt it was far more likely that he was the latter type.

But even if he personally wasn’t skilled at tracking, he would surely have subordinate heroic spirits or demons who were skilled trackers. We had spent a great deal of money to purchase the use of a teleportation portal from the fairies in order to prevent us from being followed. We directly escaped to the 137th level of the Chaos Abyss.

Oh, was there a prerequisite that I hadn’t mentioned? Indeed, our escape plan had the prerequisite of Donatis knowing that we had left.

Since our enemy was the Main God Donatis, it was likely that he would be able to find out that we had escaped to the 137th level. However, every dimensional level was gigantic, so finding us would be no easy feat.

Even though Margaret promised on her job class’s honor that as long as I, Roland, was around, all detection spells would become completely inaccurate, we still took anti-detection measures as well as made preparations to leave at any moment.

Since we had already antagonized a powerful opponent who was truly difficult to deal with, I had no intention of staying here for long. We would temporarily stay here to reorganize ourselves before immediately heading out again.

But before that...

“I’m so tired. Everything else can wait until tomorrow.”

After confirming that at least the nearby surroundings were safe, I immediately headed to a room on the third floor and fell asleep.

I wasn’t the only one to do so. Aivla, Casio, and the other adventurers all immediately went to sleep in the foyer right after entering this hotel. They were injured and fatigued, and it was quite difficult already for them to withstand everything until now.

They were indeed quite pitiful. Powerful enemies were hunting them down, and they had to constantly remain in a state of high vigilance. They had kept retreating as they fought many battles. When they finally reached an area that they viewed as “safe”, a Main God arrived to hunt them down. They also had a deathmatch against devil general Salor, and one of their companions had died in battle. All of them were suffering from frostbite after using my ice equipment. They were completely exhausted, with both physical and mental trauma.

They also had to go through dimensional teleportation and rush here overnight before they could recover. Their mana and stamina were completely depleted. Casio and Aivla were in the worst condition as they had been severely burned by my cleansing Holy Light. If it wasn’t for Adam helping them on the way here, it was likely that one or both of them might have died already.

“You were the one who struck Casio and Aivla with such fatal injuries, weren’t you? Wasn’t this avoidable?”

“...Would you believe me if I said it requires lying to one’s own allies in order to fool the enemy?”

I could only shake my head helplessly. Even I’d never expected that I would be forced to create a half-completed holy sword. Neither had I expected that my half-completed holy sword would be so strong. Reminding my allies to watch out hadn’t been possible from the very start.

“Still, the adventuring team downstairs should finally be able to get a good night’s sleep tonight...”

This hotel’s facilities were quite average. However, having clean blankets and hot water was more than enough for me. I could no longer even remember just how many days I had spent outside in the wilderness.

Despite Adam’s mysterious confidence in his sense of direction, his senses would indeed always be quite sharp whenever he was on guard at night. With him guarding the door, not even a SemiGod rank thief would be able to sneak in. Plus, we also had defensive spells from Harloys and Margaret combined cast upon this hotel. This should allow us to sleep safely in peace.

Adam’s party was in the best condition out of everyone among us. They had rested at the Dragontail Bar for so long already. Even though they’d had a battle against Donatis, the War God hadn’t entered his serious mode, so Adam’s party’s energy and mana consumption was within acceptable limits.

Actually, even though I seemed quite spirited, I was probably in the worst condition out of all of us.

The battle where I defeated and sealed Lasnina had used up a tremendous amount of my mana and stamina. Before and after that, I had spent so much time trying to survive in the wild. I had finally entered the city of Ashen Furnace and intended to rest and recover, but then I had to directly fight against Salor and face Donatis.

I had also suffered severe frostbite from using my own Absolute Zero ice. I had also been forced to create my holy sword. Even Harloys’ mana pool was now completely empty. My mana and stamina were all used up, which brought me physical weakness along with a powerful headache.

Seeing how unwell my complexion looked, both Adam and Elisa let me rest even though they really wanted to chat.

Yep, I definitely hadn’t used Holy Light to pinch my blood vessels to make my complexion look unwell so that I could escape a tribulation!

“Will you really be able to run away? You’ll have to face things sooner or later.”

“I’ll just stall for as long as I can.”

I wiped myself slightly with a towel before I lay down on a bed. I stretched lazily as I enjoyed the sensation of a soft blanket. I finally felt like I was alive again.

The silly cat also washed herself slightly in a washbasin, and shook herself before jumping onto my bed and under my blanket.

“Hey, hey, hey, how many times have I told you already? Dry the water on your paws first before getting on my bed!”

While I was complaining, I really had no energy left to kick the silly cat off. As I relaxed, I felt even more how comfortable this bed was. I truly didn’t want to get up again.

“Ah, I’m alive~”

“I can finally rest well now. I really want to report you for cat abuse.”

Just as we were both sighing about how wonderful life was, the door to my room suddenly opened. Elisa, who had a slight smile, directly walked into my room.

Seeing that it was her, I suddenly shivered as I hurriedly covered my lower body with my blanket. I glanced around everywhere for where I tossed my pants since I recalled throwing them on the ground right when I entered...

“It’s so late already...”

But before I could scold her as an elder, Elisa already walked up to my bed and grabbed the silly cat by the tail, slinging her around by the tail.

“Master, you really need to be more careful. How could you casually allow a female on your bed, especially such a thing? As your current girlfriend, it’s only natural that I should take her away.”

She was so logical that I was unable to counter her!

Not only did I pause in surprise at the strange way she spoke and addressed me, even Harloys gave up her struggles that were only an act.

And then, Elisa brought out a pair of underwear from her dimensional storage and placed it by my bed. She also cleared away my dirty clothes.

“You should go to sleep early. I’ll wash your clothes tonight so that you will have something clean to wear tomorrow. Tomorrow morning will be your favorite food for breakfast. Anything else can wait until after you’re awake to discuss.”


The sound of the door to my room closing snapped me back to my senses. Elisa being so reasonable made me feel quite happy, but I still felt like something was off. I also felt mysteriously reassured as I looked at the clean underwear that happened to be a perfect fit for me.

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