Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 465 - Borealis Transformer

Chapter 465: Borealis Transformer

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

Envy, Marsolit, the Borealis. Although he was the Original Sin that I used the most, his combat abilities weren’t standing out among the Sins at all.

Maybe some people would think that this was because Marsolit was too young. However, an undead’s power typically depended on the soul core. But actually, he used a Semi God level core, someone incredibly stubborn on obtaining revenge. His soul’s starting point was extremely high already.

All this time, what limited his combat strength the most was actually the Original Sin that he represented—Envy.

The Original Sins were my own soul shards. My own understanding of the Original Sins determined their abilities. Out of all the Original Sins, Envy was rather unique.

Envy was the Original Sin with the least negatives. In fact, most of the time, Envy could even be considered a positive emotion to possess. From a certain standpoint, its positive worth exceeded its negative worth.

Perhaps there were a few people out there who would commit evil deeds due to possessing envious emotions towards those with better talent, status, reputation, knowledge, or wealth. But, I felt that there would be even more who thought, “Why can’t that be me?” or “I’m not any worse than he is, I can definitely do even better!” when looking at their better-off classmates and friends.

From a certain standpoint, Envy and Pride were two concepts that were similar yet also opposites. Pride was an attitude and condescension that those with higher status had towards the lower, while Envy was the desire of those with lower status to reach higher status. As long as concepts like social classes and individual differences existed in the world, then Envy would be impossible to escape from. At the very least, everyone would possess “unwillingness” toward being surpassed by others they viewed as similar.

The same concept could sometimes be helpful medicine while being toxic poison to others. There were idiots who would ignore others’ talent, hard work, and sacrifice in obtaining what they had. Envy would goad them into fiercely slandering and attacking others, stoking their fires of “not respecting others.” Meanwhile, the smarter ones who were “unwilling” to stay down transformed their flames into whips to constantly improve themselves instead. Not only that, smarter individuals would be able to analyze the strengths and advantages of the target of their envy, and then think of methods to imitate, learn, and improve one’s own insufficiencies.

This was my personal understanding and analysis of the concept of Envy. It might not necessarily be correct or the same as others’ understanding... No, I should say that every single person probably had their own understanding of what an Original Sin was. There was no so-called answer out there to begin with. Meanwhile, the Envy battleships’ abilities as part of my soul shard were a perfect outcome of the definition that I gave to Envy.

The farther down the pyramid of status a person was, the more that person would desire to improve and move upward. This was the so-called “desire for betterment.” That was why Envy’s original battleship model didn’t even have any extra combat strength at all. He started out as nothing more than an empty platform that wouldn’t have any incompatibilities with any power system out there. He started out from level zero. The way he finally evolved would completely depend on how he imitated others in battle and how many abilities he was able to steal.

His true uniqueness came from his potential in that he would forever be compatible with all spare parts and abilities no matter the type. He started out as a “zero” with limitless potential and growth. He possessed “hunger” for perpetual evolution.

Perhaps some people would think that his abilities thus overlapped with those of Ah Dang of Gluttony, but they were actually completely different. Ah Dang was a predator who evolved through devouring prey. He would instinctively evolve and strengthen himself. Ah Dang’s most frightening ability was actually the limitless lifeforce he could obtain through devouring.

Meanwhile, the Envy battleships would evolve through imitation and self-controlled selection. My theory had it that as long as he had enough time and underwent sufficiently numerous battles, he would eventually surpass all my other Original Sins in combat strength... although that would likely take several tens of thousands of years...

“Envy” Marsolit. As long as he experienced countless battles, he would definitely become the strongest existence amongst my Seven Original Sins.

However, I didn’t have the time to wait that long...

And so, I created the Borealis’s personal combat squadron.

That’s right, I was referring to the Big Dipper squadron. These seven aerial battleships were actually special add-ons I created just for Marsolit!

Yep, all these battleships were actually add-ons. The Borealis was simply the core part at the center. Just imagining what type of monstrosity would appear when they all combined made me so delighted!

But while imagining was nice, reality was harsh. Creating airships was prohibitively expensive. If I started large-scale construction of airships, the most probable result was that I wouldn’t obtain a single rare airship that I wanted before I used up all my resources, and the unfinished hulls would be sealed away to gather dust.

Even by borrowing Xiluo’s resources and strength, I was still only able to create two dragonbone battleships, the Mizar and the Alkaid. I still lacked four airships to finish my blueprint. That meant that progress was less than half, and I couldn’t use the planned Big Dipper squadron as Envy’s add-ons in actual battle at all.

But luckily for me, I dug up a wonderful treasure in Dragon World...

“Awaken! Guardian God of the Eternal Thunder tribe, Imprint of the Tiger God!”

A tremendous skeleton awakened from its deep sleep, answering my will and summons. Terrifying roars could be heard from its teleportation portal as this gigantic behemoth tore through dimensional space and arrived in the Mountain Inferno.

At this moment, when this towering presence arrived, the entire Inferno began trembling. Just how frightening was this existence? Just the skull alone was far larger than even the biggest Supreme Immemorial Dragon. And, the first to arrive through the portal from the Thieves’ Inferno were two now empty dragonbone battleships—the Mizar and the Alkaid.

When Marsolit faced the God of Holy Light, Envy was so severely countered that he hadn’t even had time to use the ace cards I’d prepared for him before the God of Holy Light directly broke past him.

“Big Dipper squadron, transform and head out!”

My passionate shouts echoed in the air as the mega-giant skeleton still missing some of its bones and the battleship add-ons walked together. Unfortunately for me, there was no exciting music like what would play on TV during a transformation. Alright then, by this point, the readers can probably guess what I intended.

“Borealis, you’ll be the body. Mizar, you’ll be the left hand. Alkaid, you’ll be the right hand. Imprint of the Tiger God, you’ll be everything else! I’ll be the head. Go forth, my Transformer... the Borealis War God!”

My enemies were confused by the sight. Meanwhile, I ignored my System and the silly cat’s comments of “You never grow up, still playing with dolls at your age” and [Such an old joke, you’re revealing your age!] The pitch-black bone giant’s bones slammed into each other and distorted as it formed itself within Hell.

It was impossible to calculate his new height, because even the tallest snow mountain only reached up to his waist. The arrogant and insane Lord of Putrefaction didn’t even reach up to his knee!

This giant was constructed out of pitch-black bones all over. Inside the core protected by the ribcage, the Borealis was glowing as if it was a beating heart. And, its incomplete left hand and right foot were its strongest weapons. The roaring Mizar readied its cannons as dragonbreath powered the cannons. Meanwhile, the right leg’s Alkaid gave the giant the super movement ability of breaking the laws of Space.

Perhaps this bone giant was still incomplete. Yet, just by looking at this incomprehensible behemoth caused the dimensional invaders to feel truly helpless inside.

“What is that?”

“Is this a joke? Such a large body and terrifying energy level? Why hasn’t he collapsed on himself?”

Out of everyone, the Lord of Putrefaction’s reaction was the most unique.

“This is impossible! It completely goes against all the most basic laws of life creation! Not a single dimension is capable of giving birth to such a monster! This... this has surpassed a Main God!”

That’s right, if you only looked at energy level and its limits of applying instantaneous power, this combination monster indeed surpassed the limits of a Main God.

“My dimensions... I’ve successfully reconstructed the Thieves’ Inferno and the Mountain Inferno.”

I had finally finished what I was doing, heaving a sigh of relief. While the Lord of Putrefaction was capable of wreaking havoc upon the dimensional laws here with his Dimensional Descents, I was the ruler of Hell, and naturally possessed the ability to use Dimensional Descent to fix the shattered tears.

I had brought over the now empty Thieves’ Inferno and combined it with the Mountain Inferno to fix them both. Although combining these two Infernos would likely bring along a bunch of unfortunate side effects, this would be greatly useful to the battle here.

Hades Mist started spreading again as the tattered undead knights finally stood up once more. The countless dead within these two Infernos started walking into the giant’s body, becoming its spare parts and giving this giant sufficient energy for movement and combat!

“Slaughter! Steal! Evolve!”

When faced with a Main God, separate body parts that all had their own will would be meaningless. Only by combining the wills and souls together would there be a foundational breakthrough. This bone giant was a pure war machine, so slaughtering and stealing became its pure instincts.

Those simple words became the bone giant’s combat fervor which suppressed everything. Just his first step created countless earthquakes. When Ladvioka saw this monster towering above him, and noticed how his own spells were actually completely ineffective against it, even this Demon Lord Main God started wondering if he had made the worst possible decision.

Countless souls gave this bone giant an explosive amount of energy that would surpass even the Main Gods. The Tiger God’s corpse gave this bone giant a skeleton frame and body that could contain his power. The three battleships became his most important organ and limbs. This amalgamation monster should have been born only after ten thousand more years, yet Hell’s dimensional laws allowed the impossible to become reality.

“No, no, this is impossible! This has already surpassed the limits of this dimension. It will definitely soon collapse. My children, destroy him! Stall him for me!”

The hysterical Lord of Putrefaction commanded his children to suicide-attack the giant. With just a casual wave of one hand, the bone giant spewed pure black dragon flames, which created a destructive inferno. All the places where the bone giant stepped became tremendous crevices that swallowed countless demon warriors.

This was a monster which even the Titan King would be afraid of. The Lord of Putrefaction seemed like nothing more than a slightly large animal in front of it.

The Lord of Putrefaction’s distorted children were dying in large numbers. In front of this “warrior from the future” that came through the rivers of time, these ants’ resistance became completely meaningless. Even a dragon wouldn’t reach the size of one of his thumbs. His overwhelming slaughtering abilities created a feast of redness on this battlefield, but I was currently calculating how much longer I had before this giant collapsed.

That’s right, collapsed. This monstrous giant was only a half-complete product to begin with. I had now randomly added the Tiger God’s corpse into my blueprint and was using so many temporary spare parts and whatever energy source I could. It was just like taping a random assortment of dimensional laws together. This was an impossible creation that completely broke the limits of Hell’s own Elemental Tide. I was already astonished enough that it was capable of movement. It was unknown just how long it would be able to fight for.

“At the very least, I need it to kill a Main God for me before it collapses! Envy, tear apart this green and idiotic demon for me! Take revenge for your older brother!”

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