Unpredictable Marriage.

Chapter 231 - Chen Lihua's Ex Arrives For Her Wedding.

"What are you girls doing here?"

"We are just taking a breather," Chen Lihua responded.


Then the lady nodded as she handed Chen Lihua a glass before taking a seat.

Just then, one of Chen Lihua\'s foreign friends came over with shock written all over her face, as she stared at her phone.

"Lily...Lily!" She literally shouted as she half walked and half ran over.

"What are you screaming for?" Jennifer asked.

"What happened?" Chen Lihua asked without a look of worry. But the answer she would receive will bring shock and worry to her.

"George is here," She answered, but then broke out in a smile at Chen Lihua\'s twisted facial expression.

When Chen Lihua first heard that sentence, she spewed the cocktail she just drank out and started coughing because she choked a little on the drink.

Caro rubbed her back while asking, "Your ex is here?"

"There is nothing wrong with that, George is a good guy," Angel answered with a smile.

Chen Lihua accepted the napkin from Angel and wiped her mouth with it.

"I sent that invitation by mistake, and also forgot to tell my husband about it," Chen Lihua said with a red face.

Just thinking back to when she accidentally sent him her wedding invitation through Email, she felt like knocking her head.

"I really don\'t see anything wrong with your ex being present at your wedding. Unless there is something still going on between you two?" Jennifer said, not understanding the big deal with Chen Lihua\'s behavior.

"No! There is nothing between us anymore. You won\'t understand if I tell you, and I don\'t want to mention what happened between us because it\'s in the past," Chen Lihua said when she finally finished coughing.

"Something happened between you two, and I don\'t know about it?" Angel asked with a smile and widened eyeballs.

"Yes, because it\'s between George and I. How did you get the news?" Chen Lihua said the second sentence while looking at her friend who had brought the shocking news to her.

"Olivia told me about it, because she took the same plane with him, and they just arrived at the hotel," She answered before sitting down.

"What do I do now? I didn\'t tell my husband about sending him an invitation," Chen Lihua asked nervously.

"Come on, relax. Your husband will understand that it was a mistake. And besides, George is your ex.....your ex. So there is nothing to worry about," Caro assured while emphasizing on the \'ex\' word.

"What\'s going on here?"

Who knew when the rest of the girls abandoned the music they were dancing to and arrived before them.

Jennifer couldn\'t keep her mouth shut, and so shouted excitedly to them, "Lily\'s ex just arrived for the wedding, and her husband is not aware!"

"Whoa!" "Seriously?" The girls exclaimed.

Chen Lihua was the only one with a gloomy look.

\'Where did I meet this kind of crazy friends? None of them seem to read the situation.\'

But then, Chen Lihua began to think. Since she has nothing to do with George anymore, Liu Longwei wouldn\'t take the matter to heart.

But on second thought, she felt that he would be jealous.

Well, she will just notify him about it later.

Some of Chen Lihua\'s friends talked about their ex, and the rest laughed about it.

Chen Lihua and her friends had a lot of fun. Towards the evening, Jennifer announced, "Girls it\'s almost time for the guys to arrive, let\'s assemble!"

"Which guys, how come I don\'t know about it?" Chen Lihua asked in confusion while staring at Jennifer.

"Well, I invited your husband and his friends over for a fun game," Jennifer announced excitedly.

"Wow! That\'s going to be so much fun," Caro said excitedly. 

Chen Lihua wanted to say something, but Jennifer interrupted.

"There is no time to argue with me. Giving how shy you are, I bet you wouldn\'t want to be seen dressed that way."

Chen Lihua looked down at her attire, and she had two words in mind, \'not appropriate.\'

So she stood up from where she was sitting and glanced at her friends. "I suppose you all won\'t be dressed like that as well?" Gesturing at her friend\'s swimwear.

"Is there something wrong with the way we are dressed?" Angel asked.

Chen Lihua rolled her eyes at her before saying, "Not in my house", and then she walked away.

She met two servants that told her Liu Longwei was back, so she assigned them to look after her friends, before walking off hurriedly.

As the elevator arrived at the top floor, Chen Lihua came out from it and met Liu Longwei face to face.

Liu Longwei already knew that Chen was hosting a pool party with her friends. But he was still surprised to see her dressed in a bikini. So he stared at her for a while.

Chen Lihua held her transparent jacket and covered herself with it.

"You...You are back?" She asked with an embarrassed look.

She was looking everywhere but his face.

"Mmmm. You look beautiful," Liu Longwei praised.

"Thank you," Chen Lihua replied before going into her room.

Chen Lihua\'s friends were escorted to a room by the servants, and so they changed their dresses there.

In twenty minutes\' time, everyone was gathered close to the pool area, including Liu Longwei\'s friends.

Everyone introduced themselves, and they all laughed while talking about funny things.

"We have a few questions for all of us; both the friends of the bride and groom," Jennifer said while holding up a sheet of paper.

Everyone present stared at her as she became the center of attention.

"But first of all, I want us to pick a piece of paper each and open them," Jennifer continued as Angel passed them a tray that contained little folded pieces of paper.

"When you open them, call out the numbers written there, and I will read out the question for them. Then you\'ll go ahead to answer them," Jennifer instructed excitedly, and they all nodded.

Here is how the game is played.

Numbers like 1 - 10 will be written on different plain papers, and then they will be asked to pick a piece of paper, and the questions that bear their numbers on the paper picked will be asked.

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