Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 173 - One Seven Three

"Ordinary men of the world Unite.

Unite and unite to become stronger, 

For you have nothing to lose but the chains that bind your hands.."

"Long live the Revolution…"

The blacksmith could only take a deep breath, while he heard his old friend also mutter " Long live the revolution.."

As if a viral infection that had spread fast, the old black smith also slowly muttered " Long live the revolution…"

This was not an isolated incident, throughout the planet similar incidents were happening all around.

There were also all kinds of arguments happening both against and for the revolution, arguments were going even inside the family between husband and wife related to the matter.

The most heated argument was among the younger generation, all kinds of debates started popping up among friends, coworkers and fellow students .

The whole planet was under turmoil and the storm started getting stronger and stronger as more time passed. 

Inside the presidential office by the parliamentary building. The grey eyed  Gabe was standing in front of the president, with a horrible expression as he wiped the sweat on his forehead every now and then.

The president kept looking at the files that were projected in front of him as a 3D projection. Gabe could see that the president\'s face was becoming more and more contorted as he looked into the files before him, later his eyes were also becoming redder.

Then he slowly closed his eyes to calm down and asked the grey eyed middle aged man sitting in front of him.

" So we have completely failed to control the situation and the whole of the planet is debating about how to fight against the atrocities that we are conducting...hmph… And you don\'t have any clue on how this ancient technology just started playing this recorded message that has started all this ruckus…"

Gabe humbly replayed " Sir we have already recovered the ancient machinery that was tampered with. This was done meticulously by adding a new modern equipment to the ancient machinery that was already there.

We suspect that this was the doing of the rebels…."

The head of the alliance intelligence force was completely muted by the killing intent that had already enveloped him " you suspect…. You suspect… someone had planned something this big and executed it flawlessly and still you are suspecting that it might be rebels… you don\'t even have any concrete proof…"

After a pause the president continued in a much colder tone "  Have you been sitting on the chair of the head of intelligence department for this long, has it made you complacent…. I will tell you this much, soon that person is going to contact me and I will have to point him towards some direction… I hope that you are not the one standing in that direction, I don\'t want someone whom I have personally promoted to die because of incompetence because it shows my incompetence….. So listen carefully Gabe, I don\'t care what you do or how you do, I want you to get to the root of this matter by tomorrow and completely block any news or forum or whatever that is related to this matter. I don\'t even want to hear a murmur regarding this…. Do you understand, if you do, then get lost…"

The head of intelligence had an ashen face as he humbly left the presidential office.

After pondering for a while , the president pressed a button on his table and his secretary, a beautiful blonde woman, came in and bowed slightly.

" Call for a meeting of the seven family heads and notify them as urgent.."


going back a little while.

As the hurricane was brewing the main culprit behind this whole event,  Dror was inside a forested area nearby the Hallmark town and fidgeting with his sky watch.

A special big piece of equipment which was a mix of the ancient equipment and modern equipment lay beside his leg.

But Dror was more focused on his Sky watch now as he was submitting different translated messages to one node after another.

He had also added many half translated messages along with the real translation from all kinds of fake id\'s.

  Soon this has also given rise to all kinds of rumors throughout the planet.

Some considered this as some kind of hoax, while some consider it to to be a genuine prophesy from an ancient sage of the past.

But it didn\'t matter what they believed, things started changing from that moment.

The people who were being continuously exploited for a very long time, who had lost most of their hope, found a glimmer again.

After all they were struggling hard in the darkness for a little light and when they saw a little light, it didn\'t matter anymore if it was an illusion or fake, the only thing in their heart was they saw something and this point in itself was a new seed of hope in them .

This is also exactly what Dror wanted, to plant that seed to begin  with .

He knew himself that this won\'t change them in one day to take arms and fight against the alliance government.

He needed to make them realize and make this little seed of hope grow slowly, for that he needed to water it and nurture it.

The Alliance government was a little late to act , in fact they were too late to act by the time they tried to block the nodes and forums, along with the spreading rumors, The damage had already been done.

Dror received a call in his sky watch at the same time, Dror had a smirk when he saw who was calling.

Taking the call he spoke in a casual tone " What\'s up Deputy Major, you know. I am  really busy right now with something really urgent…"

the person on the other side of the call gave a cold snort...

The small 3D projection of Xeander had a  little agitated and unhappy look on his face.

" It was you, wasn\'t it… This was the other part of your plan all the time...This is a wildfire you have started, nobody knows how this will end up… what do you intend to do now, do you have a plan to deal with repercussions…"

Dror replied with a smile " calm down Xeander, if this is a wild fire then we will make sure that it burns the alliance government to ashes… and Of Course I have a plan… just focus on the things at hand for now, I will explain things more detailedly when I return.."

Xeander who still had many things to ask, could only nod along and cancel the call.

The alliance government and the common people were not the only people that were surprised with this unusual development.

The rebel base was also completely shaken, The King was having a council meeting with his council members.

But unlike the Alliance president the king had a happy expression on his face, even though he was also not well informed about the truth behind this whole event that had shaken the whole planet.

But one thing was sure this was bad news for the alliance government and good news for the rebels.

It was not everyday that one could see everyone pointing their finger at the alliance government and their atrocities.

Even though not every council member was present at the quickly summoned meeting, Almost all who were present had a happy expression, other than the three people who were still pondering over the matter.

The king looked at his prime minister who was still in his thoughts. Then he looked at Lady Raven\'s 3D projection who was also still pondering over the whole incident and asked.

" Lady raven has your department yet figured out the details of this incident… Do you have any information on how this happened."

Lady Raven had a calm expression as she looked towards the king before replaying.

" My king, the alliance government is really angry at this incident and has dispatched too many of their different agencies and departments to work on this matter, due to this we were unable to get our hands on anything concrete.."

After a pause she continued " but the alliance government considered this more or less our doing. 

The only information one of our spies could gather was that this 3D projection of the so-called ancient sage came from a certain unused ancient machinery that has been laying there useless for a very long time.. The alliance government seems to be keeping a tight lid on this matter and has completely prevented the leak of any information related to this matter. They have also collected all the related machinery and brought it back to their R&D department for further research… The intelligence service of the alliance government is pulling every string they can to find even the tiniest intel regarding the whole event..

While the commoners seem to have gone into a  different mode altogether, even with the alliance government trying every method , all kinds of rumors are spreading and people are discussing the matter very seriously .... I believe  that the alliance government can feel the resentment and agitation  that the commoners have been suppressing, slowly showing its fangs "

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