Becoming God of a Dystopian World

Chapter 35 - Leaving For The Entrance Exam

Zhao Luo knew what his next destination was.

"I will go to the Xin Sect to train there."

Zhao Luo told Brother Sang with a serious tone. 

He had already made his decision and there was no turning back on it.

\'I can also meet Rose there. And Si Chen too.\'

Zhao Luo thought.

Other reasons like these gave Zhao Luo the conviction that he should join the Xin Sect as soon as possible.

Brother Sang looked at Zhao Luo who was having thoughts about the \'other reasons\' and thought.

\'So he wants to join the Xin Sect. I will do my best to help him.\'

Brother Sang thought and after thinking for a while he made a very ugly face as if someone had kicked his balls.

"How did I forget about that?"

Brother Sang yelled causing Zhao Luo to be scared for a moment.

"What happened?"

Zhao Luo asked him. Why would a silent guy suddenly yell like that, there must be a very big reason behind it.

"The entrance exam of the sect will be held tomorrow."

Brother Sang told Zhao Luo.

"What? There are entrance exams for sects too?"

Zhao Luo was troubled by the word exam. He was already tired of exams even before he became a traveler.

"Yeah, every sect requires people to pass their entrance exam before they could join them. The entrance exam for Xin Sect is held twice every year. Once at the mid of the Year and the other one takes place before the Year ends. Coincidently tomorrow will mark the mid of the 11th year. So that\'s why the exam will be held tomorrow."

Brother Sang explained. 

Zhao Luo listened to everything that Brother Sang had to tell him about the entrance exam. It was all general information about the entrance exam. 

\'So I will have to face my first exam tomorrow.\'

Zhao Luo thought while feeling a little nervous.

"What type of exam will it be?"

Zhao Luo asked Brother Sang.

If he could get some hint about the exam detail then he can prepare for it beforehand resulting in passing the test.

"Hmm, actually every time the exam is different than the last one."

Brother Sang answered Zhao Luo\'s question causing Zhao Luo to be disappointed. But it didn\'t make sense for the exam to be different every time.

"There should some similarities to the previous exams. You said that the entrance exam takes place twice a year right?"

Zhao Luo questioned Brother Sang. 

"Yes it does happen twice but every exam is governed by a different elder of the sect. It\'s almost impossible for one of the elders who already led an exam before to lead it again."

Brother Sang explained to Zhao Luo.

"Every elder pursues a different way. So when an elder leads the exam he will make the test according to the way he is practicing."

Sang kept on going with his explanation.


Zhao Luo was listening to it while thinking about the ways that these elders of the sect were practicing.

\'If the elder who will lead tomorrow\'s exam would be a fighter then I should be able to pass the exam easily.\'

Zhao Luo thought as his fight with Bimba the sand lion\'s herd leader, passed through his head.

But who said there would only be a single exam.

Zhao Luo looked at Brother Sang who was ready to continue his explanation.

"The exam can have parts or just a single test. Everything depends on the mood of the elder."

Brother Sang associated the outcome of the test with the presiding elder\'s decision.

"So it all depends on how the presiding elder qualifies me."

Zhao Luo said the obvious.

"Yes 3 years ago when I joined the Sect the test was simply a test of one\'s power. I had to subdue 5 sand lions who were coming at me together. It wasn\'t hard, believe me, I defeated the sand lion in less than a minute and joined the Xin Sect as an outer disciple."

Brother Sang told about the time when he had joined the sect with a smile on his face.

"It\'s because you are not normal. Even Si Chen can\'t defeat 5 sand lions in a minute."

Zhao Luo said as he remembered the fight between the sand lions and them in the Sara desert.

\'But defeating 5 sand lions should be easy for me too.\'

Zhao Luo guessed as he knew how strong his body was.

Sand lions weren\'t a big challenge for him.

"So don\'t worry brother Zhao Luo, even if the test is different, it won\'t be that hard for you."

Brother Sang believed in Zhao Luo as he was a person who his great grandfather had told about. 

\'So how could be just someone normal?\'

Brother Sang questioned himself over Zhao Luo\'s abilities.

"Indeed. Well, everything will be clear tomorrow anyway so there is no need to worry about it now."

Zhao Luo stopped talking about the content of the entrance exam of the Xin Sect. It was useless to think about something which wasn\'t even sure to happen. He could only try his best tomorrow.

"We can leave for the 1st City tomorrow. The sect\'s entrance exam happens in the Sect building present in the 1st City. So you can apply there. As for your identity-."

Brother Sang took out a token from his storage ring and gave the token to Zhao Luo.

Zhao Luo inspected the token in his hand.

The token had a picture drawn on it. Zhao Luo focused on the picture on the squared token piece.

He could see a man who was standing on a mountain of gold coins and more coins were coming out of his pocket.

There were big \'S\' placed on top of both of his raised hands. The man resembled the guy who was sitting on the sofa in front of him. 

It was Brother Sang.

The 2 \'S\' shapes represented the Sang Sang of the \'Sang Sang Merchants\'.

"The design is amazing."

Zhao Luo praised the features of the token causing Brother Sang to become happy. 

The card was designed by his father who had passed away.

This token was only given to VIP members of the Sang Sang Merchants. 

And only some people held so much wealth that they could become the VIPs of this merchant group. 

\'The three Royal Families.\'

\'The five martial families of the 3rdd City.\'

\'The elders of the Sect.\'

\'The Core and Inner Disciples of the Xin Sect.\'

\'The leader of the black market of the Xin Range.\'

So a person holding a VIP token wouldn\'t be questioned deeply about his identity when registering for the entrance exam. Nobody will question him about where he was from?

"This will solve the issue of your identity."

Brother Sang said to Zhao Luo who was still looking at the token in his hand.

"Thank you."

Zhao Luo thanked Brother Sang for the token.

"There is no need to thank me when I am just doing my duty."

Brother Sang didn\'t accept the thanks of Zhao Luo instead declared this action as his responsibility.

It was already late and nighttime, ao Brother Sang showed Zhao Luo his room so he could rest and then left him there.

"So tomorrow will be the day."

Zhao Luo thought wondering how he will do in the entrance exam tomorrow. 

There was a window in the room, Zhao Luo went towards the window and opened it.

He could see the skies when he looked upwards.

"So nice. The skies are still the same as they were before."

Zhao Luo thought while looking at the stars that were shining in the skies.

Then he looked a little ahead and saw a mountain whose peak couldn\'t be seen as it was hidden between the clouds.

That is how far up on the sky the summit of the mountain was.


Zhao Luo looked at the mountain and thought again.

After a while, he lied down on the bed in the room.

While thinking about how much he went through except sleeping and finally he was here, Zhao Luo fell to his sleep.

The serene night was as calm as a river without a ripple.

The next day.



The sounds of birds could be heard as Zhao Luo woke up from his sleep.

\'Knock, knock.\'

"Brother Luo, are you ready?"

Zhao Luo could hear Brother Sang knocking on the door and asking if he was ready to go.


Zhao Luo cursed in a low voice as he had just woken up thanks to the birds.

"Yes, I am ready. I will be coming out soon."

Zhao Luo said loudly so Brother Sang could hear him.

Zhao Luo slapped his face lightly and got rid of the sleepiness that was still looming over him.

He opened the door and went out to go with Brother Sang.

"Brother Luo let\'s get you a haircut first."

Sang said as he saw the hanging hairs of Zhao Luo.

It wasn\'t bad to have long hair but the hairs that were touching on the ground were weird.

Even though Zhao Luo\'s hair was a beautiful sight to behold it had to be cut.

As brother Sang was talking with Zhao Luo while going towards the door of the house, two maids were entering through the door. 

One of the maids was the one who had brought the Ramen for Zhao Luo.

She had a basket in her hand which had fresh fruits in it and a big scissor was next to the fruits.

"There is no need to get a haircut."

Zhao Luo said to Brother Sang as he grabbed the scissor which was in the basket of that young lady when they got close to the maids.

"Excuse me."

Zhao Luo said to that lady and proceeded to cut his hair in half the length.

This caused his hair to be just long enough to reach his back.

He looked even more handsome with the proportionate hairs hanging behind him.


Praised the young lady while looking at Zhao Luo.

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