Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 200 - Unsettled Stomachs

After brushing their teeth and getting ready Jason and Kyle made their way downstairs to the lobby of the hotel.

As they were walking Jason couldn\'t resist the urge to ask "So what were you dreaming about Kyle? You were making a ton of noise in your sleep.

You were tossing and turning and then you started shouting \'We did it Jaya! We did it!\' What was that all about?"

Kyle scratched the back of his head in embarrassment before answering "Uh-hmm.... So actually-" Kyle then proceeded to tell Jason about the dreamt that he had had.

By the time Kyle was finished telling Jason about his dream they had managed to reach the lobby. After hearing what Kyle\'s dream was Jason was silent for a moment.

But the next second he started laughing "Hahahaha you\'re starting to sound like a real hooper Kyle. When you eat, sleep, and breathe basketball that\'s how you know that you really love the game."

Kyle felt emberassed at first when Jason first started laughing. But after hearing what Jason had to say Kyle felt a little proud.

\'Does this mean that I\'m a real hooper now? Am I getting closer to Jaya\'s level?\' The embarrassment disappeared and was replaced with a bright smile.

"I guess you\'re right Jaya. I won\'t argue with you when it comes to hoops." Jason turned to Kyle and started wagging his finger side to side.

"No no no Kyle. Part of being a hooper is making your own opinions from what you\'ve seen and experienced.

It\'s kinda like barbershop talk. You\'ll hear guys talking about who\'s the best scorer of all time. Who\'s the best defender.

Which Big Man dominated the most during his time, who\'s the best Big Man all together. And the most talked about topic: The GOAT.

Being able to discuss and debate is part of the fun in being a hooper. Since we actually play our views are going to be different than those casual fans or even hardcore fans.

Because we\'re actually able to step on the court and play the game at a high level our opinions are going to be different.

Check this out for example. People make fun of LeBron all the time for all his Finals losses even though the dude has a ton of rings.

But real hoopers know that just being able to keep up that level of consistency and greatness for that long of a stretch ain\'t no joke."

Kyle nodded his head "You have a point there Jaya. I\'ll start thinking of stuff to debate you about." Jason chuckled.

"I think you got the spirit but you still seem a bit off the mark. But that\'s okay. We\'ll work on it some more after practice."

As they reached the lobby the two of them walked up to the clerk to ask for directions to one of their restaurants.

The lady kindly smiled before directing them to one of their restaurants that was open for breakfast. Jason and Kyle thanked her before making their way there.

It was early in the morning so there wasn\'t that many people there. Jason and Kyle were able to quickly make their way to the front of the line as the worker then scanned their key cards.

After following one of the workers to their table the two of them made their way to the food. Kyle looked out in awe at the amazing stretch of food laid out in front of him. He gulped "This is amazing."

Jason couldn\'t help but let out a small laugh at Kyle\'s reaction "This your first time going to a breakfast buffet?"

Kyle shook his head as he went over to grab a plate "No but this is a lot fancier compared to Hometown Buffet."

Jason was laughing as he made his way over to grab a plate "Hahaha! You funny bro. This is on a whole different planet compared to Hometown Buffet."

After the two of them were done gathering their food they made their way to their table. Kyle had gotten a simple plate of scrambled eggs, two chocolate chip pancakes with syrup and butter, and a few pieces of bacon.

Jason on the other hand had packed one plate full of ham, sausages, and bacon while the other one had eggs benedict, scrambled eggs, brown rice, and a small bowl of oatmeal.

Kyle looked at all the food that Jason had brought back to the table "Isn\'t it a little early to be stuffing yourself like that?"

Jason shook his head after taking a bite "Nah. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day bro. You need to make sure you got enough juice to last until lunch."

Kyle shrugged his shoulders "I guess. Hey, why did we take the stairs? We could have saved some time if we had just taken the elevators."

Jason swallowed the mouthful of food that he had inside his mouth before answering "The walk was a good warmup.

We might not be all the way warmed up but we\'ll have an edge against all the guys that are going to camp right after waking up."

The two of them continued to eat their meal. After about fifteen minutes Danilo and Alex walked through the doors.

Kyle waved at them. Danilo and Alex both smiled after seeing Kyle. The twins then made their way to Jason and Kyle\'s table.

Shortly after they were also joined by the dynamic duo of 3D and Rudy. The two of them were already going at each other first thing in the morning.

"Bro you need to cover your fucking face when you sleep. I was awake all night because of your snoring."

"Oh yeah? Well at least I don\'t listen to fucking cartoon songs all night. I don\'t how you\'re complaining about not being able to sleep when you\'re the one that kept me up all night.

You don\'t even understand the words that those chicks are saying. Why the hell are you so obsessed with those ugly twigs."

Rudy turned to 3D and pointed his finger at him "Don\'t you dare insult Hana and Airi. Just because they aren\'t as fat as the Celebs we have here doesn\'t make them ugly twigs.

Besides, flat is justice! Flat is life!" 3D looked at him as though he were a crazy person "What the hell are you even talking about?"

The two of them saw the table with all the other guys and made their way towards them. Jason looked up at the two of them after eating a spoonful of his scrambled eggs.

"Nice to see you two getting along so well first thing in the morning." The both of them scoffed before answering at the same time.

"Who\'s getting along? Me and him? Hey! Stop copying me!" All of the guys laughed after seeing their little comedy routine.

3D and Rudy went out to get their food. After they got back with their plates they decided to sit across from each other.

Everyone ate while chatting and making small talk. After a few minutes Jason had managed to clean his plates empty.

Danilo looked at Jason as though he were looking at a monster "Dude... How can you put away so much food.

I mean, it would be one thing if you were a big ass dude like 3D. But you\'re so small. Where does the food even go?"

Kyle laughed "You think that\'s impressive? He already cleaned up his plates before you guys got here. Those were his third and fourth plates that he just cleaned up."

Both Danilo and Alex had their jaws drop from shock after hearing that. Jason took a sip of water before trying to change the subject.

"Yeah yeah I eat a ton. I already hear that enough at home guys it would be nice if I didn\'t hear that during the training camp.

Speaking of training camps. You guys been here before right Rudy? 3D?" 3D and Rudy both nodded their heads.

3D took a napkin and wiped some grease off of his face before answering "This is my third time coming over.

All the other times I\'ve been to the camps they\'ve been here in New York." Rudy added "This is just my second time coming here.

Last year was a blast though. The training camp happened at the same time that there was a convention happening.

I actually got to talk to the voice actor for Hime from the Magical Maids series! She put her hand on my head and-"

Jason put his hand up to stop Rudy "Basketball Rudy! Stay on topic. You were talking about training camp."

Rudy rolled his eyes up "Sigh Fine" He then mumbled under his breathe "You\'re no fun." He then continued.

"Last year me and 3D stayed at this hotel along with the other guys from Cali that got picked. Those dudes from Texas were put here too.

If they\'re keeping things the same then there\'s probably another California team and they\'re probably staying at the same Hotel as the New York team."

Jason\'s eyebrow raised up "Oh? Why didn\'t they put them here? Wouldn\'t it be easier to manage things if all the teams stayed in one place?"

Rudy laughed before wagging his finger at Jason "It\'s because those guys are a different breed bro. The other Cali team isn\'t made up of guys from different teams like us.

They have the starting five from Golden Oaks Middle school. And the New York team has the starting five from Central Park Middle School.

You know what those two schools have in common?" Danilo and Alex both shook their heads along with Kyle.

3D had an ugly expression on his face from hearing those two schools. Jason answered "Those are the two schools that have been dominating Middle school basketball for over ten years."

Rudy leaned forward in surprise "You knew already!?" Then he had a disappointed expression on his face "Yeah, you got it.

Golden Oaks have been the reps for California for over ten years now. Same thing for Central Park. But that\'s not all."

Rudy then looked at Jason with a questioning look as though he were quizzing him. Jason looked at Rudy for a second before adding.

"Those two teams have also been the ones dominating at Nationals. For the last ten years the National champs have been either Golden Oaks or Central Park. Year in and year out it\'s always those two teams at the Finals."

That fact hit Kyle and the twins like a hammer hitting a bell. They were shocked to their core. 3D growled "Those stuck up pieces of shit think that they\'re so much better than everyone else."

Alex turned to Danilo "If they\'ve been to the Finals for over ten years then....Gulp They must be really good."

Danilo nodded his head in response to his brother\'s statement. Kyle remembered what Jason had said on their way down about LeBron.

\'Just being able to keep up that level of consistency and greatness for that long of a stretch ain\'t no joke.\'

He tried to imagine what it would take to be at the highest level for that long. The thought of it scared Kyle.

Just as the mood at the table was beginning to take a turn for the worse Jason\'s voice brought everyone\'s attention to him.

"Hey Kyle you going to eat that?" Kyle saw Jason pointing at his stack of pancakes. It took him a second to process what Jason had asked.

He then pushed the plate toward Jason "Go ahead Jaya. I think I might have lost my appetite." Jason accepted the plate.

He looked at Kyle "Lost your appetite? You okay?" Kyle nodded his head. Jason sliced up the pancakes and scooped up a few slices along with some butter and syrup into his mouth.

"I don\'t know why you guys look so scared. Those guys are all kids like you and me. All you have to do is beat them."

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