Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 109 - Changes

The principal continued to talk as he tried to comfort and reassure the players that everything would be just fine.

But everyone had begun to tune him out as soon as they had heard that Coach Swendel would be suspended for the remainder of the season.

The worst part was that even if they got a county, state, or national title Coach Swendel wouldn\'t get any of the credit.

It would be the interim coach\'s name next to all of the players\' on whatever trophies or plaques they earn this year.

The principal continued to talk for another ten minutes but none of the players were listening to him. After a while he eventually finished up his speech and left.

No one moved a muscle as everyone just sat in the empty feeling gym. Trell was the first one to break the silence.

"Yo how about we do a strike or something? We can tell em that we won\'t suit up unless they undo Coach\'s suspension.

We the hottest team in the state right now. Everybody talkin bout us. Ain\'t no way in hell the committee or the principal would be okay with us not playing."

Some of the guys started nodding their heads at the idea of going on strike for Coach Swendel. But Jason and Udonis were shaking their heads.

Jason spoke up "I want Coach Swendel back just as much as you guys. But we can\'t just go on strike.

You must of heard it. The Principal and the committee didn\'t want to do this. If it was up to them they would have just given us a slap on the wrist.

The only reason they did anything was because of all the heat they were catching from the other schools and the students and parents."

Udonis nodded his head in agreement with Jason "What are y\'all trying to do by going on strike? Get more people in trouble?

You know how much Principal Morris has been supporting the team this season. He was the one that worked hard to make sure that we got some showers in the locker rooms.

He was the one that fought to get our budget increased so that we could get new training equipment. He been one of our biggest fans this year.

If we go on strike I\'m pretty sure that he\'ll lose his job before they decide to remove Coach Swendel\'s suspension."

Trell stood up and kicked the rails of the bleacher as hard as he could "Then what the hell are we supposed to do!?

Just sit around with our thumbs up our asses and pretend that Coach didn\'t just take the fall for us!?

We all know that Coach didn\'t have shit to do with Vista Heights. Just because I had to show off like a fucking dumbass Coach Swendel got suspended.

And he won\'t even get any credit for all the things we do this year. Some ass wipe will get his name on all of our trophies when it should be Coach Swendel."

Udonis walked up to Trell and patted him on the back before sighing "It ain\'t your fault bruh. There was still time on the clock.

The game was still going and the other team knew that. Sure you were puttin on a lil bit of a show but if they didn\'t want you scoring on them then they should have played some D."

Udonis looked around and saw that other than Jason everyone was pretty shaken by the sudden loss of Coach Swendel.

He walked back down the bleachers and stood in front of everybody "Y\'all are really lookin down on Coach Swendel right now."

Everyone was surprised to hear Udonis say that. After seeing that he had gotten everyone\'s attention he continued.

"It ain\'t no one\'s fault that Coach Swendel got suspended. He knew what he was getting himself into when he did that interview.

He made that hard ass decision by himself so don\'t look down on him by acting like it was my fault or your fault.

He wanted to to take all the heat so that we wouldn\'t have to. He took the fall for us because he wanted to.

So I\'ll be damned if any of y\'all try to minimize the weight of the decision that he made by trying to take credit.

The school and the committee might not want to give Coach Swendel his dues but I know damn right that we ain\'t built the same as them.

So we gonna go out there, play some good ass basketball no matter who the coach is, win the county title, win a state championship, and when we lifting up that national trophy at the end of the season.

They gon pass us a mic and ask us who helped us get this far. We gon thank our mamas, our pops, all our family, and then say that we would have never made it without Coach Swendel.

No matter what the school or committee says we gon make sure that he gets all the credit that he deserves on the biggest stage we can get on. Who\'s with me?"

Everyone crowded Udonis and stuck there hands on top of each other. Udonis shouted "Coach Swendel on the count of three!"

Everyone began to shout in unison "ONE! TWO! THREE! COACH SWENDEL!"

- - -

Time flew by in the blink of an eye. Without a coach it was up to the players to organize their own practices.

They held their first practice without Coach Swendel on Tuesday. Everyone was motivated as they gave it a hundred and ten percent during the whole session.

Wednesday morning the whole team came to school two hours early to get some more practice in.

As they were in the middle of running the three level defense drill the principal walked in. He had an important announcement to make.

He said that despite his best attempts he wasn\'t able to find someone to take the role of interim coach.

He already contacted the committee and told them of the situation. He then told the players what the committee had told him.

Since the suspension of their coach was so close to their next game ,which was today, they would be given an exception and be allowed to play without a coach.

But that would only be for this game. After today if Jefferson Middle School wanted to continue playing they would need to find someone to take the position of interim coach.

- - -

Wednesday evening. The team was sitting on the bench as they waited for the game to begin. The only player missing on the bench was Kyle.

It was the same filled up gym and the same court but everyone could tell that something felt different about tonight.

Jason turned to Udonis "Where the heck is Kyle? Doesn\'t he know that it\'s almost time for the game to start?"

Udonis answered "I just texted him. He said that he\'s running his way over here. His mom got stuck trying to find a parking spot."

Just a minute later Kyle ran into the gym and made his way toward the rest of the guys. He was carrying a bag.

"Sorry I\'m late guys. There was literally no parking left in the school. That shit was looking like a convention bro. Oh and my mom made us these."

Kyle opened up the bag and took out some white headbands that had the word \'Coach\' stitched on to the side in black.

"My mom said that Coach Swendel might not be out on the floor with us but he\'s out there rooting for us from wherever he is. And this way at least we can feel like he\'s still with us in spirit."

Everyone accepted the headbands as Kyle handed them out. Everyone began to put it on. Even the ones who normally didn\'t wear a headband during games.

Jason took off the white Nike headband that he had been wearing all season long and replaced it with the headband made by Kyle\'s mom.

After seeing that everyone had their shoes laced up and were ready to go Udonis stuck his hand out.

"I know that tonight is going to be weird because it\'s gonna be our first time playin without Coach standin on the sidelines.

But that ain\'t a excuse to play a wack ass game. I want to see us playing our hearts out tonight alright boys?

Let\'s make sure that no matter where Coach Swendel is right now he gon hear about how fucking nice tonight\'s game was.

Who\'s house?" Everyone shouted out in unison "OUR HOUSE!" Udonis shouted "This game is for Coach Swendel. 

If you guys are pumped then let me hear it! Swendel on three!" Everyone began chanting in unison "ONE! TWO! THREE! SWENDEL!"

After tossing their hands into the air they all broke out of the huddle with an intense energy around them.

They lined up and shook hands with the opposing team but none of them had a smile on their face. Everyone had the look of a soldier about to step foot on a battlefield.

After shaking hands they all positioned themselves on the court as it was finally time for the tip off.

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