The Sins of Anna

Chapter 81 This a Talk or Interrogation 31.1

"Shion sweetheart how about you go to the corner store and pick us up some snacks and drinks. Me and Anna can have a chat then maybe after the three of us can toast to our happy reunion." His words slither out. A hidden meaning behind his eyes as he locks with mine.

"But.." She begins to protest.

"Do it." He suddenly barks, and I watch her body jump a little in his grasp. Her head drops nodding quickly she walks out of his embrace and into the house and returns with her purse. Pushing past me I can see the tears in her eyes as if shes sad but also the fear.

He holds the door open and gestures with his hand to come in. I do as instructed stopping to look back I notice Shion looking back at us. David closes the door shutting out the eyes I knew was on us. I walk forward toward the living room. My back was feeling tense having him behind me not knowing when or what he would try. I need to stay calm though he most likely had information on the underground movements against Ren, as well as information about feud between the Feng clan and Silver Serpents and who the ring leader was for all this seeing as he has become a puppet to someone. I stop on the other side of the couch turning toward the dining area where he stood. I wanted to make sure I kept as much between us as possible.

"I got your message. Why don\'t you explain what you meant there is going to be a war and I need to choose a side." I say getting to the point. He frowns.

"You came because of that part not because I said I would forgive you and we could have a second chance?" I shrug.

"Must have missed that part I say blowing it off." He can act hurt all he wants because I never did anything at required his forgiveness, if anything this bastard has done nothing but hurt me and make me feel not good enough and then even tried to harm me and those around me if anything he should be on his knees begging me not to kill him. My hand itches to shoot him thinking about everything.

"Very nice Anna." He begins to laugh. "You absolutely beautiful with that fire in your eyes." He licks his lips looking me up and down. I want to puke. "You want to kill me, That\'s fine long as your thinking about me thinking of us."

"The only thing I\'m thinking about is puking and how Shion can muster the strength it take to touch you." I say mockingly His face goes sour as he slithers towards me. I round the couch keeping him at a distance. He stops his eyes never leaving me.

"So this is your answer." He says sighing. "Fine then your going to just be in the way and I have orders. He bends down. Soon as he grabs something off the floor near the corner of the couch, I have my gun out of it\'s holster which was little more difficult with placement than I had thought and pointed at him. He stands his eyes glance towards me then my gun. He Laughs mockingly. "Go ahead Anna shoot me you\'ll be dead long before I will. But first before

I kill you I think I\'m going to have some fun with you just like your mother. Then you two can truly be connected sharing in similar deaths." I shiver this man was so fucked up how had I not seen it. Was it the drugs that made him this way or was it the life. I was running out of time as well Ren said he\'d give me five minutes and who knows how fast Shion will be. He points the gun he had picked up at me.

I glare at him "What exactly do you want from me David?"

"For starters how about you on your knees. There\'s no need to be a gentleman now that you have screwed that pathetic excuses for a man. Let me show you what a real man is like Like I should have so long ago." He sneers pointing down in front of him.

Did he just seriously tell me to blow him.

"If you don\'t hurry up Shion might be back soon then who knows what might happen." His sinister smile growing. It pissed me off to know end what he was insinuating. Fine if he wanted me on my knees I\'d fucking give it to him.

Putting the gun on the floor I cautiously walk to side of the couch where David stood. He smiles "That\'s a good girl." He drops his pants as I hit my knees. I want to puke as I touch his shriveled pole. My hand caresses it. He\'s already breathing heavy and moaning. He\'ll regret asking me to do this I bit my bottom lip. Seconds later the living room is echoing with howls. "You fucking bitch." I get hit hard making me fall back but I don\'t care. I watch as is holds himself grimacing with pain and rage. The door busts down as Ren, Maliki and Mike barge in calling my name.

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