The Sins of Anna

Chapter 56 Fight or Flight 19.2

A knock comes gently at the door and it slowly opens. Her face appears but it\'s looking at the ground as she closed the door leaning against it. "Maliki ran into me telling me that you ordered us to leave." She whispered barley understandable.

"Anna." Saying her name is all I can manage as I look at her tears hitting the floor I swear this girl has cried more times being with me then she has smiled.

"I assume since I wasn\'t informed you plan to leave me here with a stranger I don\'t even know." She looks up at me through those beautiful green eyes. How did I not see it for so long. She looks just like her mother, other than her hair color and eyes that are a Silverman trait. I walk over to her gently I reach out wiping her tears from her cheek.

"I\'m sorry Anna, this is the last thing I thought would happen, but." I paused. "I can\'t." I\'m so pathetic. I turn from her to grab my bag off the floor.

"Then fight me Ren." I turn back towards her shock at her words.

"What the heck does that mean Anna." I am beyond confused but she stares at me with a new-found revolution.

"I love you I will always love you, I could care less about any of this. So if you really want to leave me then fight me like we settle everything. If you win I will do whatever you want even if it means you abandon me. However, if I win you have to listen to my request." Either way I won\'t stop loving you. I will use everything I got to show you that I will be on your side. She begs me and god I can\'t reject any request she has ever given me, her heart felt plea cripples me.

Caving to Anna\'s plea I follow her out of the room stopping to ask a younger boy where the sparing grounds are. we are lead to a dojo in the back of the house. However, it\'s already in use, looking defeated Anna slumps her shoulders. Why does it seem we always settle our issues with fighting? I walk over and talk to the commander of the troops training. He graciously has the students stand to the side letting us have the floor. I motion for Anna to come as I go in. I go to the opposite end of the dojo. After removing my tie, coat, and shirt I turn to see Ann had also stripped down to a bra and just her jeans. I can\'t help noticing all the horny little boys ogling her up and down. Hell, I could barely keep my eyes from her beauty. Her eyes serious and transfixed only on me. I can\'t help feeling pride in my girl. Sparing stance ready we stood motionless, waiting, the tension thick. What the hell was I even doing this for, I catch a whisk of a smile as she looks up at me from the corner of her eyes. I make the first move because we aren\'t getting anywhere. Moving closer I spin doing a round house kick she easily ducks and dodges. And she takes shot at a brief opening but she\'s to late. Ducking and dodging the room is watching intensely at the match.

"Why the heck are they fighting this time" Maliki comes up whispering to the older gentleman that looks to be in charge of the facility. The man just shrugs.

"Are they always this intense?" The man inquires.

"They do take there sparing seriously." Maliki replies leaning in to whisper as he watches.

"I head that the Head Silverman\'s long-lost daughter would be here today, is that her?" The mans question shocks Maliki. He takes a double look at the man as if to confirm the question just asked, then looks at Ren and Anna. You\'ve got to be shitting me, if she is then he is going to have one hell of a time with this, Maliki grumbles to himself hand on his chin thinking.

A loud cry breaks the silence as Anna is grabbed from behind arm pulled up hard behind her.

"Just give up Anna I don\'t want to hurt you." Ren pleads. Anna bites her lower lip shaking her head as he pulls harder tears well up in her eyes.

The Gentleman in charge starts to step forward to stop the fight but Maliki grabs his shoulder stopping him with a shake of his head. "This is deeper then you in me, don\'t interfere."

A huge thud catches Maliki and the man\'s attention Ren had been thrown across the room. Anna rubbing her wrist as she watches him hold up a hand. "I concede you win Anna, if we keep going one of us will end up in the hospital and that\'s the last thing I want."

"Coward!" Anna cried out. Ren was taken back. He has just declared her the winner why is she upset.

"Brat do you even have a brain, I said you win why the hell are you angry I will listen to whatever you want." I watch as she cries.

"Not like this. I\'m not even suited to be a sparing partner to you in your eyes now, so much that you won\'t go all out anymore." Ren says nothing just looks at the floor.

"Ren, Anna;" Maliki calls out. "We should get going the planes ready to go." Ren stands to this news stepping out of the dojo.

Anna shakes her head at Maliki. Ren looks away pained. "Ren until you know what you want I will stay like you wanted, I\'m not my father or my mother and I will do what ever I can to prove myself to you. But I can\'t stand having you look at me the way you are now with such pain. I don\'t want to force your feeling just know mine won\'t change." Ren turns on his heel nodding and walks away without a word.

"Anna." Maliki\'s words are pained as he calls my name. I step down hugging him as tight as I can.

"Thank you." I say softly silencing his protest. "Please take care of Ren for me." I whisper leaving a peck on his cheek as I walk off in the opposite direction from the manor not bothering to wipe the tears from my cheek.

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