The Sins of Anna

Chapter 34 Love is Cruel 9.1

Since I moved back in Maliki, and even at times Mike during the late night found their way to my room when I was off duty. The nights with them became rigorous physical combat training, so I could keep on my toes and become stronger. Though I would still find time to have a good laugh with my comrades. I still often thought of him and they knew it, and would try to fill me in on what they could. It was hard though; because Lady Brittany seemed to go where ever Ren went, which meant I went where ever he went.

"Hey Anna." Mike who was with us today whispered to me as we waited against the wall inside the room next to the door as we watched over Ren and Brittany. They met with the head elders today about business between the clans.

"What\'s up?" I say trying hard to keep my voice down, though every time I speak I swear Ren hears me no matter how quiet I am because he always looks my way. I look over hoping he won\'t notice.

"Tonight, Maliki and I won\'t be able to do a sparring session with you but, you are free to use the practice dummies tonight. Might as well let one dummy fight another he tosses in jokingly as he laughs at his own joke under his breath. I stick my tongue out at him. I have gotten use it him it seems, though; he has become less creepy with his masochist cracks lately. So, either Ren\'s beaten him enough or maybe he\'s too tired sparring with me and Maliki.

My attention back on our Lord and Lady I can\'t help admitting how pretty Brittany is standing next to Ren, makes me jealous a little. Once in a while I catch her watching me and what I\'m doing when we\'re not meeting with official or other things. I try to keep from watching Ren as to not lead her to know of our past. Finally, we are all back at the manor, However Brittany has gone home for the first time in a while I\'m unsure why but that meant I was free the rest of the night and I didn\'t care why. As the sun sets I head out to the training grounds behind the manor, which was passed the garden I can\'t just sit around bored, other than training only thing I have is sleep.

Mike said they wouldn\'t be coming tonight. I can\'t help but sigh because I was free early for once. Feeling suddenly like I have lost my mind because I have actually come to enjoy getting a chance to kick the crap out of those two. Since I was alone I take my gun and harness off laying them on the ground next to the wooden training dummy. As it whirls around back and forth I practice my blocking. I feel the sweat dripping over my body, my tank top soaked. Looking around I see no one, I strip down to my work out bra. Wrapping my fists, I go to the punching bag pole I can\'t help imagining Brittany\'s smiling face with Ren as I start to wail on the bag jabbing left and right as hard as I can and changing stances. I think of him holding her, kissing her, whispering to her. I hate that damn womanizer I punch harder adding in kicks I feel tears streaming down my face as my target becomes the man I love.

Suddenly I hear a sound of a breaking branch I spin around to see Ren standing close behind watching me. I try to hide turning around wipe my tears.

"Why are you here my lord it\'s not safe at night." I try to say calmly refusing to look at him. How long had he been there, I had thought I was alone?

There was no answer. I start to turn my head wondering if he had left but am caught off guard as big arms wrapped around my small sweaty body. Unsure what he was thinking I try to wriggle free, I feel like this is the second time we had met like this because, it\'s the same as the night that he had grabbed me on that bridge. The same feeling the same heat.

"What are you doing Ren." I whisper trying not to draw people\'s attention.

However, I didn\'t get a reply I look over my shoulder his soft eyes looking at me affectionately. As he held me from behind so tight. His scent was so strong I feel like I haven\'t seen him in years.

"Ren, will you still grant my any wish." I whisper beggingly hanging my head low trying not to look at him as if expecting him to let go.

"Name it my angel, you have truly worked so hard." Tears leaked from my eye surprised at hearing his gentle voice for the first time in a long time.

"Please, kiss me one last time like you use too, It\'s..." Before I finish saying what I was thinking I was picked up into a cradle Ren\'s lips on mine I wrap my arms around his neck pulling tight against him. The taste of cigarettes still lingering as our tongues intertwine. However; this wasn\'t enough I wanted more, more of him but I can\'t have that. Tears fell more as I called his name between breath. I was so blissful at that second till someone had called his name, my heart sank and he jumped and quickly released me. I felt so cold again as the wind blew against my sweaty bare skin, watching him walk away without a word. Gathering my things, I went to my room more depressed then before. However; Mike was there smiling.

"So, did you like our little present." He says jokingly as he lights a cigarette. Ren was only there because of Mike and Maliki. I feel even more frustration knowing that. He hadn\'t come there for me, he was tricked into going and I took advantage of it. He\'s a womanizer there\'s no way he would reject a woman asking for any type of pleasure. I feel like collapsing and crying more as I storm past Mike and slam my door behind me. To cruel, scrubbing so hard to try and forget the feeling of just now. I don\'t want to remember a moment like that built of lies and trickery. I let the tears fall in the shower.

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