ABO Cadets

Chapter 112: The New Expedition

Chapter 112: The New Expedition

Ling Yu had changed into the dark blue uniform of the Dark Night Legion. The military uniform suited him well and made his figure look tall and slender. Although his strength wasn’t comparable to that of an Alpha, he carried a unique and unforgettable temperament.

The indifferent, arrogant, and yet extremely talented general that lived within his memories hadn\'t seemed to change any over the many years that had gone by. He is still so youthful and so prideful…

Ling Yu looked at Kerriman impassively, with no anger or hatred in his gaze, there wasn’t even the slightest ripple of emotion, it was just as if the person he was looking at was nothing more than an insignificant passerby.

Kerriman was so disconcerted by that look that he couldn\'t help lowering his head.

Ling Yu looked at the man with his head hanging down and coolly said: "Kerriman, in accordance with the code of military law, Rosen and I have no jurisdiction to utilize any means of torture on you. After returning to Cepheus, we will hand you over to the military court for a public trial."

Ling Yu turned and left, seemingly too disinclined to say anything more to Kerriman.

Kerriman opened his mouth, his throat was unable to make any sound. After a moment\'s pause, he raised his head and looked at the tall and straight back of the receding figure and asked with a hoarse voice: "You… aren’t going to ask me…why I did what I did?"

Ling Yu stopped in his steps and spoke with a frosty tone, "What good would asking do? Regardless of what reasons you had, at the end of the day, you still turned your back on me." Ling Yu paused, turned around, looked at Kerriman, and said: "Shouldn’t you have expected it to end out the way it did today the very moment you made your choice?

Kerriman: "…"

That’s right, the day he chose to follow Auguste was the day he chose to betray Ling Yu, he should have foreseen how today would end— it wouldn’t have ended with him climbing his way to the position of a legion commander and living out the rest of his days in glory, it would be Ling Yu and Rosen uncovering his plot, leaving him to die an honorless, forgettable death.

 There was one of two ways for this to end and it has long since been bound to be the death of either himself or Ling Yu. What more was there to say?

However, he was in the last stretch, a mere step away from success! He had undoubtedly already climbed his way to the top!

Kerriman looked at Ling Yu and said with firm resolution: "General, I…"

Ling Yu dismissively waved his hand: "Don\'t call me General, I can’t stand double-crossers, and I won\'t be giving you any second chances."

Kerriman: "……" 

Ling Yu decisively turned and left under Kerriman\'s gaze.

As he walked through the long and winding corridors of the underground base, memories of when a still young in his years Kerriman first came to the Dark Night Legion abruptly surfaced in his mind. Because of the similarities they had coming from lower-class families and in addition to the consistent hard work and effort shown by the Beta, Kerriman, Ling Yu had shown a special interest in him, transferring him to his side as his aide-de-camp, even teaching him many of the things he had known…

He never expected the person to who he had personally selected to rise above the ranks to turn around and betray him right in that crucial moment.

Ling Yu knew that behind himself, Kerriman had been watching him, but not once did he ever turn his head to look.

It’s fine to say he’s cruel, he will never give an ounce of forgiveness to those who betray others! All of the suffering he lived through these past years were given by Kerriman. Ling Yu will take an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. There will only be a long, insufferable life of darkness awaiting Kerriman inside the Underground Prison of the Capital Star!

By the time Ling Yu returned to the command room, Rosen, Drew, and Berg were there too. The three of them were sitting around the conference table, seeming to be awaiting his arrival.

Seeing Ling Yu come to take a seat, Drew spoke in a low tone: "Although you successfully put a stop to Kerriman today and captured the representatives sent by the military, I believe Auguste still has informants in the Glory Legion. The Capital Star should be receiving the news any moment now."

The corners on either end of Ling Yu’s lips perked up, "What difference would him finding out make? No matter what, war will be starting sooner or later, isn’t that so?"

Ling Yu has always carried the decisive airs of "fight if you want to fight, too lazy to beat around the bush with you". Seeing Drew and Rosen looking at him with mixed expressions plastered on their face, Ling Yu couldn\'t help but say, "With the way things are right now if you don’t intend to openly declare war on them… Don’t tell me you guys still want to strive for a peaceful resolution?"

Drew: "…"

Can you not possess a little scrap of Omega mentality? Don\'t you know that you’re intimidating enough to strike fear into Alphas?

Coming face to face with his old roommate, Drew still felt a twinge of alarm in his heart.

Rosen had already grown used to the intensity of his own Omega, he smiled and glanced at Ling Yu, and said, "Yes, an open declaration of war is necessary, but we should also take care to make preparations. The key point of it is that we haven’t heard anything on His Majesty’s side of things. I’m afraid Auguste took His Majesty hostage in order to restrict our freedom of movement."

Ling Yu nodded, "That really does pose a problem. We have to think of a way to find His Majesty, and fast."

Rosen continued, "Furthermore, Auguste has put on a good show in front of the Empire’s populace. A new regime was established under the banner of democracy and freedom, we’d have to find a justifiable reason to declare war against him."

Ling Yu gave it some thought for a while and said, "Auguste has a way with words. He becomes the interim president and then more than half of the newly established parliament are members of the Orlando Family. Are these people all blind? Why not let Caesar come forward himself to issue a public declaration to revive the royal family, and in the same breath, propose reforms following the royal family\'s revival. With the support of the major legions, I believe the people of the Empire are no fools."

Berg cut in: "While that is being done, new ABO gender-related protection acts can be announced to bring justice to Omegas to achieve true freedom and equality." He looked back at Ling Yu with a slight smile, "I believe that as soon as these acts are announced, we can get the support of a majority of the Empire’s  Omega and Beta population. These are the people who are the driving force of the Empire’s core. Auguste would be facing a considerable amount of pressure of the public opinion."

Ling Yu met Berg\'s gaze, agreeing: "Yes. The proposal those scientists proposed was rejected unanimously by the military. Now would be the time to re-submit the proposal!"

Berg smiled and said, "In order to further the compelling factor of this public proclamation, there will be another person present on the royal family’s side."

In shock, Ling Yu said: "Another person?"

Berg nodded and said, "I have sent someone to Lyra to pick up the eldest prince. Soon, Sylvie will be meeting up with us too."

(TN: I\'m just going to give him the name I was originally going to give him before finding out that the translator(s?) for his story kept it in pinyin. This is Xiwei, the eldest prince. I\'ll be going back and editing his name out in the other chapters, hopefully, I can capture them all :))

Ling Yu was surprised and couldn\'t help admiring just how deep the schemes laid by the leader of the Undercurrent ran. "It will definitely be more convincing to have an Omega like Sylvie there! Naomi Star is our base posted in the rear for the coming war!”

The two shared a smile between themselves.

Rosen and Drew glanced at each other and couldn\'t help thinking: Of the two Omegas before them, one of them was the leader of the Undercurrent, and the other was the commander of the Dark Night Legion. Their strength is comparable to the final boss. As their Alphas, they are really under a lot of pressure.

On the other hand, the two ardently discussed amongst themselves, and what of the opinions of those two Alphas? Don’t tell me they won’t even lend them an ear?

Berg finally seemed to take notice of General Drew who had been left to hang out to dry off to the side, and turned to him, saying, "Drew, what do you think?"

Drew promptly nodded and said, "I agree."

Berg: "………… "

Ling Yu looked back at Rosen, who also echoed along: "Mmn, choose a good time for the princes to make a public declaration on behalf of the royal family, and I will make the arrangements with the media."

Ling Yu: "………… "

That evening, the entirety of Naomi Star was basked under the glow of brilliant lights. The soldiers of the Glory Legion were celebrating the return of the Marshal. The soldiers of the Dark Night Legion who had been lurking down below the underground base were finally able to openly move around above ground, each of the soldiers wore cheerful looks on their faces.

On the other hand, a solemn atmosphere hung in the air of the presidential palace of the Capital Star, dark storm clouds gathered ominously overhead.

Sitting on the presidential chair, Auguste slammed his fist down on the table in front of him, he spat out in between the furious gnashing of his teeth: "How could Rosen not be dead?! What about the person the Mech Association sent to do the appraisal? Were the investigative results of the Black Dragon entirely inconclusive?"

Ivan, who has always been a calm and collected individual held back the smile playing on his lips, fiddling around with the Phantom Legion\'s navy blue badge in his hands, he spoke frostily: "Doesn’t it feel as if we are walking right into a huge trap to you?"

Auguste frowned: "You mean… Trent?"

Ivan grimly nodded, "This “His Majesty”, normally carries a gentle and amiable presence, he pretends to be weak and incompetent, but it isn’t known for just how long he has been plotting in the dark… Ling Yu escaped from the Cepheus nineteen years ago. He must have been involved in some respect. This time we had surrounded the palace, but he still escaped. He had clearly seen through it and prepared well in advance! On top of that, I had sent someone to search Drew’s villa, and Berg is gone. This is most definitely no coincidence!"

"Berg is gone too?" The crevices along August\'s brow furrowed even deeper, "You mean, the people who were sent to appraise the mech had arrived at an erroneous conclusion and it was Berg who had a hand in it?!"

Ivan said coldly: "Don’t forget that Berg is a talented mech maker, it’d be a cakewalk for him to swap around a few pieces of data!"

Auguste stood up from his seat and said with a cold face: "It seems that we are going to implement the second plan."

Ivan also stood up, the corners of his mouth slightly perked up, "I will make the preparations immediately. They must not be aware that we still have something up our sleeves."

Po Military Starfield, the Rose Legion encampment.

Udir looked at the abnormal curve depicting waves of energy on the monitor screen, frown lines lightly graced his face. He turned on the communicator and spoke towards the outside of the door: "I am not feeling well, go and ask Dr. Charlie to come over."

In a moment’s time, donning a white coat, Ling Feng briskly walked over carrying a medicine chest, worriedly asking: "General, what\'s the matter?"

Udir eyed the subordinates who followed Ling Feng and said, "You all, get out."

After all his subordinates left, Udir gently took Ling Feng\'s hand and said in a low voice: "Come see, I’ve noticed some odd singularities. If I were to hazard a guess… There is an immense threat looming overhead Naomi Star."

In shock, Ling Feng said: "Naomi Star? The Glory Legion and the Hydra Legion are there."

Udir nodded, a rarely seen serious expression settled down on the man who had always worn a smile, he bowed his head down. Looking at Ling Feng, he said gravely: "I tried to get in contact with Drew, but the reception there has already been completely cut off."

Ling Feng took out the communicator to contact Ling Yu only to find that the signal was simply unable to connect.

Ling Feng said anxiously: "Ling Yu also contacted me at noon today, saying that he and Rosen have returned to Naomi Star safely, why can\'t they be reached now… Did something happen over there?"

Udir fell silent. After a while, he said, "It looks like there’s only one option, you will inform them in person."

Udir took out a photoelectric screen and quickly scribbled out a few lines of text, and set it to the highest level encryption. Ling Feng watched him write out the words, and each one he saw only added to his fears…

Udir passed the photoelectric screen over to Ling Feng and said softly, “Even though there isn’t any moment of the day I don’t want you here, you are the only one I can fully trust right now. Moreover, you wouldn’t attract the attention of the military leaving all by yourself as a doctor."

Ling Feng nodded, "I understand."

Udir gingerly wrapped his arms around him and said under his breath, "I will let you have Silver Snow. If you run into any danger, run away, and by all means, don’t let anything happen to yourself. You hear me?”

Listening to the overwhelming reluctance in the man’s gravelly voice, Ling Feng couldn’t help smiling, he patted him on the shoulder, saying: “ Don\'t you worry, in terms of running away, I am much quicker on my feet than you, nothing will happen."

Udir released him from his hold: "Every second could be the difference between life or death, get to Naomi Star in no more than an hour, get going now."

Ling Feng nodded and turned to leave.

When he reached the opening on the door, a force emanating from his wrist yanked him back. Ling Feng turned his head. Udir leaned down and gave him a kiss. His gentle gaze was fully zeroed in on Ling Feng, "Ling Feng, don\'t make me regret this decision… Come back safely, keep in mind that I am here, waiting for you."

The rims around Ling Feng\'s eyes started to get a tad watery, he firmly nodded under the gentle gaze of the man.

He and Udir had been separated for many years due to extenuating circumstances, and it was only with great difficulties that they met again. Right then, Udir took the initiative to send him off— in desperate times, he sent his Omega off to pass on the information. He knew the courage needed for Udir for this decision was no small amount.

So in response, he will definitely keep himself protected and not make it something for Udir to mourn and regret.

Ling Feng smiled at Udir and said earnestly: "Don\'t worry, I understand."

Udir smiled, and gently brushed through Ling Feng\'s dark and smooth hair, he said in a low voice, "Go ahead, Silver Snow will protect you."

Naomi Star Military Base.

Rosen told Caesar about the decision they had reached in their discussion, Caesar immediately understood the responsibilities that would rest on his shoulders. His Father’s whereabouts remained unknown, the return of the imperial royal family has naturally fallen on him. Even though he is only 18 years old, he must stand up and shoulder the burden.

There was no hesitation in Caesar, he quickly crafted an outline of the public statement for Rosen to look at. After reading it carefully, Rosen couldn\'t help but give credit where credit was due: "Pretty good, let your Uncle Berg help embellish it with the details and when the eldest prince arrives, look it over together with him again."

Caesar nodded: "I got it."

Lin Yuan inquisitively walked over and said, "Father, are you going to go to war in Cepheus? Is everything ready to go?"

Rosen smiled, patted his son on the shoulder, saying: "Cepheus is easy to defend and hard to attack. If it really comes to blows, there’d only be an odd half chance of success. We’d still need to make detailed arrangements… There’s no need for you to worry about this, take care to train with your mech first and foremost. "

Without delay, Lin Yuan shot off: " I’ve got it down, dad gave me one-on-one instruction that day!”

Rosen nodded and said: "Okay then, just go to bed early." 

With that, he gave Caesar a look, he didn’t look too thrilled at the prospect of Caesar staying in Xiao Yuan’s room so late at night.

Caesar immediately got up and said: "Xiao Yuan, go to bed early, I\'ll go back."

With a face of integrity and respect, he walked out of Lin Yuan\'s room with his father-in-law not too far behind him.

Outside the door, Rosen looked at Caesar and asked in a level voice: "You seem to have gotten rather close to Xiao Yuan as of late?"

It wasn’t just ‘rather close’, they were practically conjoined at the hip.

Every time he looks for Caesar, he finds him in his son\'s room, which makes Rosen, his father, very unhappy.

Naturally, Caesar did not dare to tell Rosen that he had marked Lin Yuan, and looked for a good excuse: "The whereabouts of my Father are unknown, Xiao Yuan was worried that I’d be upset, so he just told me to come over and chat."

For a moment, Rosen rested his suspicious gaze on Caesar. After a while, he said: "Regardless of how things are now, the situation now is dire. Personal feelings need to be put aside. Keep in mind that you are a prince, don\'t let your Father down."

Caesar spoke cautiously: "Understood, Marshal, I know what I need to do."

Satisfied, Rosen nodded, "Go back and get some rest, fully prepare yourself. Once your Eldest Brother arrives, publicly issue the declaration. Get up early tomorrow, don’t freeze up in front of the cameras."

Caesar smiled: "I know."

Territory of the  Po Military Star, Rose Legion encampment.

Dr. Charley, wearing a white coat, hurriedly left the base carrying his medicine chest. The soldier in charge of guarding the base immediately stopped him and said in a low timbre: "Who are you? It’s too late to be going out, it’s past curfew!"

Charley took out his business card and said with an anxiety-ridden expression: "I am Dr. Charley of the medical group. The general is in serious condition. By chance, the base lacks just the medicine he needs. I am going to the Military’s General Hospital to get the medicine."

The soldier was still a little doubtful, but he saw that there was a deputy commander of the Guards Battalion who was coming along with Dr. Charley. The deputy commander frowned and sternly said to several people: "You’re still not letting us pass? Are you willing to carry the blame of delaying the general’s medical care?"

"…Understood!" The formation of people immediately gave way.

Ling Feng, escorted by the deputy commander of the Guard Battalion sent by Udir, successfully departed from the Rose Legion encampment, he turned and walked towards the Military General Hospital, and took the elevator all the way to the rooftop.

Standing on the rooftop and looking at the brilliant lights glowing underfoot, Ling Feng took a deep breath, and spoke quietly towards the necklace space button engraved with the characters for "Ling Feng" resting on his chest: "Silver Snow, let\'s go!" 

The silvery-white mech came from inside the space button, taking Ling Feng into its control cabin. The towering mech extended its wings and at a rate nearing the speed of light, it shot off into the pitch-black night sky—

From the ground, it looked as if a bright silver beam of light had suddenly risen from the roof of the Military Regional General Hospital, shooting off into the night.

The soldiers of the Rose Legion situated on the ground widened their eyes in shock—

Was that Silver Snow? Were they seeing things?

The general is still in the lounge, how could Silver Snow leave by itself? Their vision must be off!

There was not one person who would have thought that there could be a person other than Udir who had the mental threshold to pilot Silver Snow alone. Saying nothing of the fact it would be Udir, the master himself who temporarily handed over the pilot authority of Silver Snow to his lover.

Silver Snow will be loyal to Ling Feng as Udir is loyal to him.

In the lounge.

Standing by the window, Udir looked at the silver-white light beam rising from the roof of a building not too far away, the corners of his lips raising ever so slightly.

    —Auguste, in all of the thousands of your calculations, don’t you think you’ve forgotten someone?

—Do you really think that Udir, the commander of the Rose Legion, could only ever tend to flowers and some odd plants?

(TN: I don\'t think anyone really wants to know why I dipped, but I\'m back now and can post on a highly irregular schedule. If anyone is curious, military-technical training school does not play games and then I had to move to my first base.)

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