The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 46 46: Despair

"Is it just me or sir Dylan just became hotter?" Girls conversed while looking at Dylan\'s exposed body.

"Sir Dylan, won! Woohoo!" Dylan\'s employees were celebrating for him as they approached Dylan.

"Hahaha, it\'s finally over." Frank rejoiced.

"Right." Dylan agreed.

At first, Dylan was not so confident in killing Andrew because there was still a gap between them. But thanks to Dylan\'s​ strategy of hiding his artifacts while waiting for the right moment to strike and his all-out attacks, he was able to gain the upper hand and eventually win. Especially at the last moment where Andrew released his strongest attack, he had no choice but to believe in the capabilities of the Shield of Dusk to endure the strike.

Fortunately, the Shield of Dusk was able to burn about 50% of the attack but it was cracked after receiving the remaining half of the Arachnid\'s Killer Web. He estimated that the strongest attack Andrew executed was enough to kill a Pinnacle 15th level Awakened Spirit Realm. That was why he was so shocked when he discovered that the shield was still able to be intact despite the magnitude of the Arachnid\'s Killer Web.

Dylan also received some of the attack that is why his upper shirt was destroyed because he needed to leave the Shield of Dusk and sneak to Andrew\'s back in order to deliver his finishing blow. He was thankful that it all went according to plan.

If it weren\'t for the astounding abilities of Dylan\'s weapons, then he would have never gotten to close the gap between him and Andrew. Another factor was his tenacity and guts to risk his own welfare for the sake of dealing continuous deadly strikes to Andrew that eventually made way for him to deliver his final strike.

Now, Dylan was just happy that this ordeal was done already. He was relieved that none of his employees died and they were all only injured.

"Big bro is the best! You defeated the monster!" Scarlet jumped and hugged Dylan.

"Scarlet, why are you out here? Didn\'t I tell you to stay put inside the house?!" Dylan was shocked and immediately scolded Scarlet as he worried for her safety.

"Ehhh, but you already defeated all the bad monster, so I thought it was safe already... I\'m sorry, Big bro." Scarlet frowned and felt bad.

" It\'s okay. Just stay behind big bro. Big bro is going to protect you." Dylan smiled.

"A\'right." Scarlet smiled sweetly as Dylan rubbed her hair.

"Sir Dylan, look! Andrew is still moving!" Leila was very meticulous and observant that was why she was able to see the movement of Dylan\'s torso.

"What?! Are you sure?" Dylan was shocked that Andrew was still breathing despite being bisected into two different halves.

"Yes, he\'s there!" Leila pointed.

"No way! How is he still alive?!" Dylan was confused and dumbfounded when he saw Andrew crawling and struggling to move.

Andrew could be seen to be moving as he called out a name.

"Byron! Help meee!" Andrew called out desperately like this name was his final day of hope. He was dragging his bisected body while his sliced torso was bleeding nonstop. Andrew\'s face got increasingly pale and it could be easily inferred that he was losing blood at an alarming rate.

"Byron, you promised to help me! Now, help me get up and kill my heart\'s demon, Dylan!" Andrew\'s voice got louder and louder as he repeated the name "Byron".

Dylan and company were finding this peculiar and strange. Especially Dylan, he was pondering that maybe​ this "Byron" was the one who taught Andrew that ancient language that Dylan found similar to Scarlet\'s language.

Suddenly, at the dark corner of the forest, a distinguishable figure could be seen. The black figure slowly approached the Gardenford Restaurant. He was wearing a pitch black robe and the hood of the robe only allowed the lower half of his face to be seen. The black robed man was slowly walking on the clouds that were similar to the clouds that Andrew conjured but the difference between the two was like heaven and earth. Andrew\'s dark clouds were like night clouds but this man\'s dark clouds were like the true clouds of death.

Everyone in the restaurant was feeling an indescribable cold feeling from him and it was like there were an army of dead humans marching towards them. They also felt a pressure of vast inferiority and from this they subconsciously thought that this man was far stronger than anyone whom they have met before. Dylan and company was unable to make the slightest movement because of the invisible pressure this man was exuding.

"Byron, you finally came! Hahahaha, get ready to die, Dylan Ford!" Andrew\'s eyes brightened when he saw that dark figure who was walking on his dark clouds.

"Haaay." Byron sighed seemingly disappointed.

"Who are you?" Dylan was already exhausted and had already received a great amount of damage but he still alerted himself and prepared for the possible battle.

"You can call me Byron." Byron introduced himself.

"Byron, help me. How do I reattach myself to my body? Quick, tell me or I might die from blood loss." Andrew hurriedly asked for aid from Byron.

"Trash, you dare talk to me?" Byron disdainfully looked at Andrew.

"What did you say?!" Andrew became more angered. He didn\'t expect Byron to disregard him just like that.

"You told me I had great talent if I became a Malevolent Magnate and could become as powerful as you?! Now you\'re just disregarding me just like that?!" Andrew was incensed to the point he coughed out blood. He felt betrayed and abandoned by Byron.

Malevolent Magnate? Dylan was shocked! This man Byron was a Malevolent Magnate?! Malevolent Magnates are the occupation that are completely​ opposite to the Mystical Magnates. The Mystical Magnates acquire power and prestige through ethical business but the Malevolent Magnates gain power through deception, massacre, and all types of vile means. But the people who take this occupation are extremely few because Malevolent Magnates are chased and hunted down by the Mystical Magnates of the Mystical Magnate Tower as a form of mission.

"You think this Lord cares whether you are a talent or not? I can find much better talent than you like for example this kid right here. But, I can still help you live if you agree eating this "Devil Seed"." Byron spoke nonchalantly while he pointed at Dylan.

"What? You fucking bastard! How dare you trick me! By eating that seed, I would be no different to a mindless dog!" Andrew roared. He was feeling more incensed that this man was willing to teach Dylan more than him. He felt that everything he had was falling to the depths of the abyss.

"Enough with the nonsensical chatter. I gave you a choice. Eat the seed or die like a dog. " Byron spoke.

"Then, why did you have me power if you.were just going to make me into a mindless puppet!!??" Andrew protested.

"Okay. I\'ll answer your question but this will be the last. Because it is my hobby. I roam around the entire country and find people who curse the world and give them power to do what they desire. Once they accomplish their desires, I backstab them and make them choose whether to eat the Devil Seed or not. Either way, I\'ll force them to eat it anyways. This way the hate they will have will flourish and grow stronger which are essential for my Deviil Puppet collection. The more they loathe me before they die, the stronger the puppets I will acquire from them." Byron carelessly spoke.

"Coincidentally, I was roaming around the Mystical Red Cloud State and sensed an extreme concentration of hatred that led me to you. I saw how much you loathed the world and this man, Dylan. So I offered you power but unfortunately, you were unable to carry out your revenge. But I can still see that your hate is growing even stronger. If you continue to develop it, I might acquire a high level Devil Puppet from you." Byron continued.

"..." Andrew felt lost and deprived because he was just one of the many people who victims of these man\'s depraved schemed. Black chains​ started appearing and started to lock his movements. Andrew knew that this was Byron\'s doing so he looked to Byron with unimaginable loathe as he cursed this man in the depths of his heart.

"Now that\'s a good boy." Byron locked Andrew\'s mouth open and placed the seed on Andrew\'s mouth.

"Someday, you will die a horrible death!" Andrew accepted his fate and ate the seed. He said those as his last words as he felt an extreme pain followed by the death of his mind. Following the death of his mind, his body was reformed and turned back into a human.

Byron chained his entire body that Andrew\'s body was now covered by chains that formed a cocoon. Byron held the cocoon of chains and it disappeared right after.

Everyone who saw this shivered. They were unable to understand how a man like him is able to exist. Helping people just to betray these people, who were consumed by hatred to make their hatred into extreme loathe. Then, force them to eat a seed that will make them into mindless puppets for this man to use. They were terrified by this man\'s habits. Did this man posses no conscience at all.

"What​ are you all looking at? Don\'t worry, I\'m going to kill you all since you already know my habits." Byron smiled but for the people who were in the restaurant that smile was not a smile of a human but a smile of a true devil. He conjured black chains from the dark clouds that surrounded him. Just when he was about to launch them, he sensed three presences and changed the direction of his attack.

"Stop right there!" Three shadows emerged and simultaneously attacked Byron but they were all blocked by Byron\'s chains.

"Hmph." Byron was able to easily deflect their attacks.

"What?!" The three shadows were shocked when they saw how this man was easily able to block their attacks and immediately retreated to where Dylan was.

"Sir Galagher, Sir Blood Wolf and Sir Elmer, thank you for making it in time." Dylan said his thanks.

"We greet, sir Galagher, sir Blood Wolf and Sir Elmer." The employees greeted. They inwardly rejoiced because they felt that these three were their last day of hope because they saw the subsequent arrival of the army brought by the three giants. The army was 300 in number and each one of them were Awakened Spirit Realm Experts!

"We greet, Master Blood Wolf, Master Galagher, and Master Elmer." The subordinates of the three giants greeted.

"Okay, everyone there\'s no need for ceremonies. We have a great crisis at hand." Galagher spoke.

"Little brat, who is this punk?" Blood Wolf asked Dylan.

Dylan explained everything that has happened and who Byron was.

"So he\'s a Malevolent Magnate, huh? Dylan, us, three giants, will take care of him. If what you said is true, then that means that he will also use his puppets to kill you so be careful." Sir Galagher said while the other two Giants nodded in agreement.

"Okay, sir. We will be careful​ and stay prepared for battle." Dylan nodded.

"Alright." The three giants started to commence their attacks with Byron as they fully displayed their awe-inspiring aura and strength.

Byron, on the other hand, released 5 shadows which were his puppets and sent it to where Dylan and his employees as well as the army of the three giants were. Byron received the attacks of the three giants while the three giants relentlessly attacked with all their and occasionally used their combination techniques.

Outside the restaurant, everything was in shambles. The ground and fences were destroyed were destroyed because of the clash. It was 5 against 500 but the losing side was Dylan\'s because the five puppets each released the strength of a Pinnacle 15th level Awakened Spirit Realm Expert!

"What the heck? So these are his puppets? They are all freakishly strong! How do we beat these puppets?!" Dylan gritted his teeth as he tried to push back even one of them but they were all so resilient and harder than steel. Dylan and the army was being pushed back to the restaurant.

After just a minute, a large explosion could be seen from where the three giants and Byron. Everyone was shocked and focused their gazes at the site​ of explosion. The fog cleared and they saw a scene that they would never forget, the three giants were beheaded!

One thought appeared on their minds when they saw the heads of the three giants wrapped around by Byron\'s chains and was separated from their bodies.

It was "despair".

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