Chapter 36 - Brunch: Part Two

Gamma Chiara, Aila and the guys waited outside for another twenty minutes. Much to the Gamma\'s annoyance, who grumbled about waiting Nairi her again. Once Nairi made it outside, she was looking girly in a flowy light green dress, heeled boots and a jacket; the girliest out of the women, as Gamma Chiara also stuck to wearing black in her skinny jeans, combat boots, crop top and leather jacket. 

The girls got in the first SUV, and the guys went into the second. They had their own chauffeur as Gamma Chiara didn\'t trust them to drive after being imprisoned for so long and not driving in that time. It also provided the girls to have a bit of space to chat openly without them listening in. 

Aila sat in the back seat and looked outside excitedly. Since being kidnapped and then being taken to the mansion, this was the first time she felt a little bit of independence and freedom, other than when she shifted and went running in the woods. After ten minutes of driving, the car finally stopped in a car park outside a shopping centre. Aila opened the car door and looked around. Silver Thorn was exactly as she remembered it, a bustling city compared to Oakton. She was quite happy seeing a bit of civilisation, even if it meant people being a little bit ruder. 

As the three girls began walking, Ajax and Finn followed behind them. Aila could hear the guys becoming just as excited about getting some new clothes as the girls. Their eyes were wide as they took in the sights of new shops they hadn\'t heard about before. Aila told them that she would buy their new clothes. Meaning, Damon would really, but Aila guessed she could just put it down as expenses for the pack. As that\'s what they were, a part of the pack now. 

She was happy to get them clothes though, they were either wearing the coveralls or \'hand me down\' shorts and tops. To which Ajax, being some type of a diva, refused to wear, exclaiming that he would not be dead wearing them. But he was happy wearing coveralls? Aila shook her head at how her friend\'s mind worked. 

The group found a restaurant specifically for \'brunch\' and sat down at a table near the back. It was quite a snazzy restaurant that caused Ajax to moan about what he was wearing. However, it didn\'t stop him from charming the pretty blonde waitress who wore heavy make-up and obviously received a lot of tips. Before she could even open her mouth to ask the group for their drinks order, Ajax shone his brilliant smile, snatching her attention straight away. He began asking what a beautiful girl like she was doing as a waitress and was not a professional model. 

The waitress fluttered her eyelashes and giggled with a blush to her cheeks. The remaining group looked at each other, unimpressed after Ajax flirted with her for the next 5 minutes. 

"Yeah, yeah, we get it. Can we order now?" Gamma Chiara interrupted a tale Ajax was telling the waitress. He sagged back in his seat and gestured for her to deliver her order. The group ended up ordering their food and their drinks, thanks to Ajax distracting the woman. 

The waitress smiled broadly after taking their order that consisted of each person ordering two mains each and sides, making her believe that they were also wealthy tippers. Which they were, once they finished their plates and left a hefty tip. Aila was walking behind the others when she turned to see Ajax leaning against the bar counter and putting a loose hair strand of the waiter\'s behind her ear.  Aila rolled her eyes; she didn\'t want to keep waiting for him each time he came across a pretty woman. 

"We should go out sometime-"

Aila grabbed him by the arm and dramatically exclaimed, "I can\'t believe you! Flirting with a girl right in front of me! It\'s disgusting! Why did I ever get back together with you!" 

She pulled him away and rolled her eyes again when he still winked at the distraught waitress. As they left the restaurant, Aila began to let go of his arm, but he gripped her hand with his own, keeping her on his arm, "Oh no, my beautiful girlfriend. You just said I was flirting with others in front of you. I am changing my ways, and I won\'t ever look at another girl again!"

Aila huffed at his words; when she looked at his face again, she couldn\'t help but smile at his cheekiness. They continued walking, arm in arm, and she asked the next thing that was on her mind, "Ajax."

"Yes, my sweet hunnie bun?" Came his too sweet reply.

Aila rolled her eyes then continued with her question, "Can none of the humans see your cat eyes?"

He smiled broadly at her, "Nope. Only creatures can see these babies," He pointed at his eyes.

"So, what can the humans see?" She whispered. Ajax made her stop and bent down, so they were eye to eye. Aila almost took a step back because of their close proximity until she saw his eyes swirl and turn into normal human eyes. As normal as they could be, they were still emerald green and beautiful but without the pupil being one of a cats. She couldn\'t help but stare back at them in awe.

"Uhum!" Gamma Chiara stepped between the pair and grabbed Aila roughly by the arm, "Let\'s go in here," She led Aila into a lingerie store that immediately caused Ajax to stop and back away to stand next to Finn.

"What!? I don\'t need any-"

"Try these, these and these!" Nairi interrupted, placing underwear, bras, and skimpy night dresses in Aila\'s hands, "These are also for you! Now go!" She also put some other garments in Chiara\'s hands and pushed them off towards the changing rooms.

"She doesn\'t waste any time!" Malia laughed. Aila, too, couldn\'t believe how quick the girl was in not only going into a shop but finding the undergarments in their sizes for both of them. She swore they had only been walking for two minutes since leaving the restaurant. 

Nairi followed behind the two girls, with her own lingerie she wanted to try on. While they were in their separated cubicles, Gamma Chiara spoke through the mind-link to Aila, "Look, I know you and Ajax are friends, but he seriously needs to back off. Not just for the sake of Alpha Damon killing him but also to stop the girls, especially Lydia, from using it as an excuse for you not to be Luna." 

"Chiara has a point. I like Ajax, even from our little brunch, I can see he doesn\'t just flirt with you but almost any girl he sets his eyes on. But for his sake and your own, you need to be more careful. Lydia is after one thing, and it\'s not just Alpha Damon but power.." Nairi spoke up through the three-way mind-link.

Aila was staring at her reflection in the mirror, admiring the lacey black bra and underwear that accentuated her body even more. On hearing what Gamma Chiara and Nairi said, she replied, "I\'ll speak with Ajax. But you saw how he is, he\'s naturally a flirty guy. Plus, I can deal with Lydia. Maybe another punch to the face will put that bitch in her place,"

Malia was happy to agree with what Aila said; though her thirst for blood was quenched so far, she still wouldn\'t mind going for her when she was in her wolf form. Aila heard a sigh from the cubicle next to her, then the door opening. She opened her own, keeping it to, so she wasn\'t on show. 

However, Gamma Chiara had no issue revealing her drop-dead gorgeous figure that once again made Aila think she could be a model. 

The Gamma put her hand on her hip in the bright pink nightgown she had on and spoke aloud, "Lydia is a conniving bitch alright, and she will do anything until she gets what she wants. Don\'t underestimate my sister. I did, and now I am left with these hideous scars on my neck."

"Your sister!?"

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